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~*Chapter 17*~

"We have word that the backstreet boys are trading girlfriends. Bad boy A.J.'s ex-girlfriend has switched gears to the blond bombshell Nick," John Norris belted out over the tube. I turned off the t.v. and looked back at Mrs. Carter. "That's what we wanted to tell you," I said.

"You mean you two?" Mrs. Carter asked.

"Ya mom Jess and I have decided to become a couple," Nick said with a smile.

"Good. I never liked that Lisa in the first place," she said walking off to the kitchen to fix dinner. We decided we'd tell the rest of the family tonight. We spent the rest of the day swiming in the pool and goofing off. We ate dinner with the Carter's and Nick announced our couplness. Right before I left aaron came up to Nick and I complaining. "Nick I thought I told you not to like her. I wanted her to be my girlfriend," Aaron said.

"Hey aaron let me tell ya a secret I'd rather have you as my boyfriend than Nick any day," I said laughing. Nick punched my arm playfully and walked me out to my car.

"I feel better," I said hugging Nick.

"About what?" he asked.

"Telling everyone, telling A.J, even telling Lisa. I just don't want it to get out to the fans yet," I said looking at Nick with pleading eyes.

"Don't worry the guys already suggested that we keep this on the downlow from the fans," he said hugging me tightly.

"So what did you guys talk about in that little huddle of yours?" I aksed.

"Well Brian was you don't trying to get me to confess wehn you and beej won't ever tell me what your talking about," he said.

"Fine. I still love you," I said kissing his cheeck.

"What? Only the cheak? Common sweetie give me some sugar," Nick said pulling me into a long kiss. I broke away.

"I have got a huge case to attend to tomorrow and you Mr.C have recording to do. And your going to be very sweet to A.J." I said kissing him and hoping into my car. I went home put on p.j.'s and fell asleep. No later did I hear a rapping at my window. I opend it to see A.J. standing by my window. "A.J. what are you doing here?" I aksed.

"I need to see you," he said.

Chapter 18
Chapter 16