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~*Chapter 18*~

His face looked tear-stained, and it broke my heart to see him look so torn. "C'mon in," I said, motioning him to go through the door. I unlocked it, and he walked in. I lead him to the couch, and we both sat down.

"Jess, why? Why did you do this to me?" he asked.

"Excuse me, Mr. McLean, but it wasn't me. You were the one who ended our relationship," I accused.

"When? I loved you,and I still do," he confessed.

"AJ, if you felt anything towards me, then why did you cheat on me with Mindy?" I asked quietly.

"Because I didn't think you'd find out. And I didn't think that it would last very long," he said.

"AJ, even if that was true, it's too late. I'm dating Nick, and I can't hurt him," I said.

"His eyes dropped, and he leaned closer to me.

"Um, Jess, maybe we can fix that," he said, pressing his lips against mine, in a deep kiss. I slightly pushed him off, put he didn't respond, just made the kiss more intense. I pushed him harder, and he jumped up, interrupted.

"AJ, I can't. You don't understand. You have Mindy, and I have Nick. It's just the way it's gotta be," I said, standing up.

"Jess! We were meant to be together! Can't you see that?!" AJ asked.

"No, I was meant to be with Nick more than I was to be with you," I whispered. He exploded.

"You mean, Nick Carter? Jessica Marie, you don't realize what an asshole he is. He'll use you, and you'll be crying for me again," AJ said, trying to convince me.

"AJ, if I screw up, I want to screw up on my own. He could never hurt me as much as you did. And..." I said,

"I love him."

"Fuck love Jess. You don't even know what love is until..." he said, his voice trailing off.

"Till you've been hurt, Alexander. I know what I'm doing, please let me live my own life!" I exclaimed. I was tired of having him talk me into breaking Nick's heart.

"AJ, it's a lost cause, please don't try to talk me out of it," I whimpered.

"Fine, Jess. That was my last try. Goodbye Jessica Marie Brown. Forever," he whispered, walking past me to the front door.

"AJ, please don't end it like this," I cried.

"Why not? You're over me, and I'll get over you too," he said, closing the door. It was all Nick's fault. He was convinced. If he hadn't been the youngest, if he hadn't looked as innocent as he did, maybe they would still be together. Well, he'll show him, and he couldn't wait until tomorrow. He had to settle this now. I walked back to my bedroom, knowing I had done the right thing. "If I did the right thing, why do I feel so bad?" I mumbled, getting under the covers, and wishing the pain went away. I fell asleep, tears forming in my eyes. AJ honked his horn, as he drove into the Carter driveway. It was 11:30, yet he still saw lights on in the kitchen. "Who the hell could that be?" Nick thought, walking to the front door and opening it. He realized it was AJ's car, and went outside.

"Hey, didn't think you'd ever want to see me again, especially after today," Nick started, as AJ got out of his car.

"Yeah well. I figured I should say thank you. Thanks for stealing my girl. Thanks for ruining my life," AJ stated.

"You're girl? AJ, didn't you realize how much you hurt her? There's still pain in her eyes, but she's too strong to let anyone see it," Nick said, "Only I can."

"Well, how come when I went tonight, she seemed fine with me being there?" AJ asked.

"What are you talking about?" Nick asked, curious.

"Yeah, I went to her house, and we kinda, got it on.., if you know what I mean," AJ said, lying by this time.

"She wouldn't do that, especially with an ex," Nick said, trying to convince himself, the same things he was saying.

"Well, I guess when you're hurt, you do things that don't make much sense," AJ said, winking.

"Anyway, that's all I wanted to tell you," AJ said, hopping into his car, knowing he'd finally gotten to Nick.

"Serves him right, the guy who gets whatever he wants," AJ said, speeding away from his house. Nick stood in his front lawn, confused. She wouldn't have, would she? The only way he'd find out was... asking her. He'd have to ask sometime, and he knew she'd still be up. He ran into the house, and silently dialed her number. After two rings she picked up. "Hello?" I asked, groggy. I'd just fallen asleep, and the least I needed was a phone call.

"Hey, was AJ there?" Nick asked.

"Yeah," I said, sheepishly.

"So it's true! Why?" Nick asked.

"What's true? Yeah, he was here, but nothing happened!" I exclaimed.

"Oh, don't play dumb. I know you're cheating on me, so just get the disappointment over with, and tell me the truth," Nick accused.

"Nick, nothing happened! He tried to get me back, but his idea didn't exactly work. He left after I told him I wouldn't break up with you," I cried.

"Really?" he asked, "I'm sorry I ever accused you. I just got, a little suspicious, that's all. AJ came over here too, but said that you, well, slept together," he said, sorrow in his voice.

"It's okay, I've just had a really hectic night, I don't need any more stress. I don't know HOW I'll live through one case tomorrow, but if I don't get some sleep, I'll never know. Talk to ya later," I said, accepting his apology.

"Sure, love ya," he said.

"Yeah, same here," I said, hanging up. Nick felt sorry for ever doubting her. How could he have promised her that he would be nice to him? But, if that's what she wanted, he would try. Besides, AJ just wanted him to go along with his lie. He snapped his fingers, and thought of a great plan to get back with AJ. He would need Jess's help, and maybe Brian's and BJ's, but if all went right, AJ would be sorry for what he did. He went upstairs, he'd share his plan tomorrow.

Chapter 19
Chapter 17