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~*ChApTeR 2*~

I flopped down on my bed, after sitting in a dark movie theater with Lisa making puppy noises at Nick. I swear she does it to annoy me. My apartment was quiet and I was sure ready to get some zzzz's. The tour had been exausting for me and I was sure the boys were ten times more tired. I woke the next morning to bird's singing. I suddenly realized that I had promised A.J. I would come over and help him with his laundary from the tour. I got into my car, hit the donut shop and was on my way to his house. "Where have you been?" A.J. asked as I walked through the door donuts in hand.

"I slept in, you know your not the only one who was tired from that tour," I said a little upset by his harsh words. A.J. just walked away toward the laundary room. I followed behind. A.J. and I sat in the large room, watched some t.v. and did the dirty laundary. "A.J. don't!" I screamed as he began to tickle my stomach. I finally got away from him and was putting a pair of his pants in the wash when I found the one thing that would break my heart. I picked up the piece of the paper, unfolded it and gasped. TO A.J: HEY BABY! THANKS FOR THE GREAT NIGHT! CAN'T WAIT TO SEE YOU! HUGS AND KISESS, MINDY. Next to the name was a heart. "A.J. what the hell is this?" I asked in disbelief.

"What?" he asked unaware.

"This little love notefrom Mindy?" I asked. "Oh um, well she's a ummmm a fan," he said.

What kind of fan says thanks for the great night? Alex are you seeing someone else?" I asked. I always called him Alex and was mad enough I'd call him more than that. "Jess, I didn't know you and I where official?" he said.

"Official! You didn't know we where official!? Alexandar James we have been dating for more than a year, nearly two years!" I yelled at him. My face began to become a bright red. He was silent for a while and I kept my glare on him. I couldn't take it anymore. I raced off. "Until you have a good excuse while you have some little slut, don't bother calling me,"I yelled getting ready to open the door.

"You want a good excuse!? Here's my excuse, she gives me what you won't," he said to me. I made a nintey-degree turn and raged with frustration.

"You cheated on me because I won't sleep with you? Dear God, A.J. how shallow can you be?" I yelled and slammed the door behind him. I drove as fast as I could home. I could care less if a cop saw me, let alone pulled me over. Finally inside I went straight to my freezer and took out my comfort food...chocolate ice cream. I sat on my couch with a blanket, a spoon, and a whole quart of Brownie Fudge. The phone was A.J. trying to appoligize. The phone rang about ten times it was A.J. all ten. On the eleventh ring I decided to pick up the phone and let him have it. "Stop calling me you jerk, I have nothing to say to you,"I yelled into the reciever. Before I could hang up I heard a soft voice say,

"'s Nick," "Oh hi," I said sniffling and wiping the tears.

"I just wanted to call you and see if you and A.J. where going to the party tonight. But from what I am hearing I guess not," he said softely.

"No. Nick everythings ok," I said.

"Jessica I've known you for a very long time. You can't just say nothings

wrong. Now whats happenin'?" he asked concerned. "A.J. and I had a fight," I said wipping my red eyes.

"A fight like; we'll get over it, or a fight like; we are through fight?" he asked.

"Fight like we are through...forever."

"What happend?"

"He's had some little fling," I said trying not to think about the whole ordeal.

"What an ass, he doesn't know what he's missing," he said. I began to cry.

"I'm coming over," Nick said.

"No your not, you need to spend time with Lisa and go have fun at that party," I said not wanting to ruin Nick's time. Lisa's gone for a month on some modeling thing. And that party doesn't mean anything to me compared to you. So with that said, get out two spoons and the chocolate ice-cream and I'll be there in a bit," he said and hung up. I wondered if I should change out of my p.j.'s but decided it was just nick not anyone special. I sat there on the couch and put on an old Lucy episode and began to drift off.

Chapter 3
Chapter 1