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~*Chapter 20*~

I spilled the beans to beej on what happend. She laughed. "It's not funny," I said.

"Ya it is. A.J. is such a creep, but the way he totally clamed up today was just awesome," she said laughing.

"Look I gotta go tell Nick to come by my house when he get's home," I said jumping into my car and driving off. I was tired since I didn't get much sleep the other night so I decided to lay down and take a nap. Tomorrow I had a big case and couldn't give it up. I woke up around 6:30 to Nick trying to awaken me. "Hey gorgeous wake up," he said holdng my hands.

"Hi. What time is it?" I aksed him curiouisly.

"Ummm around 6:30. Wanna go get something to eat?" he asked.

"Are you asking if I wanna go to Mickey D's and go eat by your pool?" I asked sitting up in my bed.

"Wow you sure do know me well." He said kissing me.

"I've got a better idea," I said.

"What's that?" he asked.

"Go get Mickey D's eat by your pool and you can kiss me while the sun goes down," I said coming closer to his lips.

"Mmmmmm I love the last part," he said taking me in his huge arms and sniffing the scent of my shampoo. After we had gotten out of the car Nick said something that caught my ear. "Ya know sweetie I have never taken yhou out on a real date," he said. "Nick it doesn't matter to me as long as I'm with you," I said putting my hand into his.

"Oh babe you are so wonderful. But I'm still going to take you out. Tomorrow," he said.

"Nick I don't want you to-" I said. but he interrupted me.

"No No No....I am taking the most beautiful, wonderful, and sweetest girl in the world out," he said. there was no arguing. Nick and I sat by the pool and ate then we went out to the beach and watched the last final minutes of the sunset. Nick sat down in the sand with his legs stretched out. I filled in the space between them and lay my head on his soft chest. His long arms wrapped around me and the cool wind became soft and sweet all becauyse he put his arms around me. "I wanna say I'm sorry for snaping at you last night. I want you to know that I would never ever snap at you like that, he said taking me in tighter. I looked up at him and said,

"Nick it's okay," I said kissing him deeply. I looked up at his face after we parted.

"What's wrong?" Nick asked.

"Nothing. It's just your the only man who has ever been this nice to me," I said.

"I don't know how to thank you. I don't know what to do when you say such nice things to me," I said almost to tears.

"Never ever thank me for loving you the way I do. I love you so much I can't even describe it to you. And baby all you have to do when i tell you those things is let me. Let me love you," he said kissing me deeply. I held onto Nick for a while.

"Do we ever have to leave," I asked.

"This spot yes. The way I love you? No," he said kissing me. I looked out onto the ocean. I love him.

Chapter 21
Chapter 19