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~*ChApTeR 3*~

I woke up to the sound of knocking on my door, and faint yelling. "JESS! If you don't open this door, I'm either gonna have to search for the key you gave me, or knock it down on my own!" Nick yelled. I saw the TV left on, and the half melted tub of ice cream with a spoon dug in, but all I cared about was getting Nick inside. I jumped up, dropping the blanket that used to be around my knees and ran to the door. As I passed the hall mirror, I looked at myself. I looked a mess, my hair looked like a rat's nest and my eyes were red and puffy. Oh well, I thought, it's a good thing it's only Nick, otherwise I'd be embarrassed. I swung open the door, as I saw Nick's hand posed ready to knock again. "What? Couldn't find the key?" I asked.

"Ha ha, funny. I've been out there for 10 minutes waiting for you. This must have really gotten to you," Nick said, concerned.

"Sorry, I fell asleep after you called," I explained.

"Did he call?" Nick asked, meaning AJ.

"I don't know, nor do I care. He's used me this whole time, and I was too blind to realize it."

"It's okay, don't worry about it," Nick soothed, guiding me toward the couch. He picked up the tub of ice cream, and started feeding me. "Now, tell me what happened," Nick said.

"It's over, that's all I need to say," I said.

"Are you sure Jess? Do you really want to throw your love away?" Nick asked.

"Nick! He's been sleeping with another girl, and you're asking if we can fix it? I don't think so! He's not worth it! He's such an asshole!"

"You didn't seem to realize that yesterday?" Nick pointed out. I thought for a second, chewing on a chunk of brownie. "Yeah, well, that was yesterday. That's before I found a secret love note, and reading this, makes it seem like it's over for him," I said, taking out the crumpled note. I read over the words, especially the last part. "Hugs and kisses Mindy?” I asked aloud.

"Sounds slutty to me," Nick whispered. I laughed, he always knew what to say to make me laugh.

"So, what's Lisa doing?" I asked, changing subjects.

"Didn't I tell you? She's in New York modeling," Nick mumbled.

"Oh, too bad, the whore is out of your hair for a month," I said. I looked at him,

"I mean.. well.. you know."

"I do? Since when have you had these feelings toward my girlfriend Jess? Lisa isn't that bad, ya know," Nick said, glaring.

"I've felt that way toward her since.... well since you first met. Have you ever wondered how she makes me feel, and how she treats me? Well, for your information, she treats me like dirt, like I'm nothing more than a speck she can step on, let alone your friend," I told him.

"Maybe you should get to know her," Nick replied, standing up.

"Wait, Nick," I said, following him to the front door, "What will Lisa think when she finds out you were here?" He turned around and said,

"She won't, I probably won't tell her."

"Oh, well then will you tell her I didn't do this too?" I asked.

"Do what?" he asked, confused, as I walked closer to him.

"This," I whispered, right before my lips met his. We stood like that, kissing, for a couple of seconds, until he pushed me off.

"Um.. Jess, I have to go," Nick said, opening the door, and disappearing. I felt hurt, was that the wrong thing? I couldn't help it, I had the urge to kiss something, and he just happened to be there. Or maybe it was something else? Was it love? I doubted it, but all I knew was that not only had I lost AJ today, I lost Nick as a friend, and that hurt the most. I walked back to the couch, and started eating the ice cream again. By now it was mush, but it was the best I could do. I turned on the TV, and thought about what had just happened, and why I was hurting.

Chapter 4
Chapter 2