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~*ChApTeR 4*~

Nick heard the door close behind him, and slowly turned around. He waited for a second, as he watched her body slowly drift away from the door and walk back to her couch. He walked down the steps of her front stoop, slowly, as though his shoes were somehow filled with cement. Could this really be the house that at one point I'd been so willing to go see? he thought. Why the hell do I have to be so uncertain? Why didn't I just go with the flow and let her kiss me? He knew the answer to that, he was dating Lisa. He opened the door to his convertabile, and slowly sat down. Lisa, Lisa, Lisa. Yeah, she had been the perfect girlfriend... for a week. At first, she treated him like he wasn't someone special, but later, those feelings changed. Whenever they were together, she always expected him to take her to really expensive restaurants, because HE WAS THE MAN, as she always told him. But it wasn't feeling like that now, it just seemed like he was the guy with the cash.... and the fame. He started to back out her driveway. Something was special about Jess though, maybe it was how her smile got rid of his problems. Or maybe how she was always a shoulder to cry on, and someone to listen to his problems. Or even how whenever he saw her, his body got filled with this undescribable feeling, and how when she cried and had problems, his heart broke also. "Why do I always have to be such an asshole? I've gone from girl to girl, searching for the right one to spend the rest of my life with, and she's been standing in front of me the whole time!" Nick mumbled to himself. His mind drifted back to Lisa. As long as she didn't find out about that, him and his feelings would be safe. As long as no one spilled the beans, she'd never know. He started thinking about AJ. How could he use her like that? "Maybe I should drop by his house, and straighten him out..." Nick's voice trailed off. He turned around, to go in the direction of AJ's house. He knew he had something to do, and it couldn't wait. His mind thought of what to say, as he drove to his house. "OOHH, yeah baby.." AJ mumbled, as Mindy slowly kissed his chest. He'd called her after Jessica left, and she said she'd come over and give him some "pleasure". She knew his weak spots, places not even Jess had seen. Why had he fallen for her in the first place, anyway? Oh, right... he remembered. She'd been the nice girl. Yeah, well, he needed more than a nice girl to please him, and Mindy was exactly what he needed. He felt her lips lower to his belly-button, as she tugged on his pants. He slowly unzipped the, and she started to lower them. Mindy threw them off his body, never letting her lips leave contact with his belly button, and threw the pants into the corner next to them. All of a sudden, they were interrupted by a knock on the door. "OH SHIT!" AJ exclaimed, jumping up and pushing Mindy off his lap. "Here," AJ said, taking one last look at her nude body before throwing her a robe.

"Thanks," Mindy said, standing up and putting it on.

"The pants.... they'll have to wait," he groaned, winking. Whoever had interrupted them, had better be pretty god-damn important. Mindy followed him to the front door, and he opened it to reveal... Nick standing at his front door. Nick took one look at what was going on, and immediately said, "So this is how you pay your girlfriend back? By sleeping with some whore that you've only known for... 10 minutes?!"

"For your information, she happens to heal my soul, from all the stress that you guys give me," AJ defended.

"HA! Like shit she helps you! All she does, that Jess didn't do, is that this.. MINDY girl... sleeps with you willingly, and Jess was still a virgin. No wonder she refused, you're such a slimball, who would?" Nick yelled, slowly losing his cool.

"I loved Jess!" AJ screamed, his face turning red.

"If you loved her, why do you want to break her heart? She knows damn well that you don't love her, and now I know why. So.. how long have you known... Mindy, right?" Nick asked.

"It's none of your business," AJ said, turning away.

"A year..." Mindy chimed in quietly.

"A WHOLE YEAR!! Man, AJ, I gotta hand it to you, you're definitely a great secret keeper. Hey, Mindy, did you know he was dating?" Nick asked.

"No, he said he was single," she whispered, ashamed.

"And now I am, so don't worry," AJ said, picking up her chin and kissing her, starting to un-do the knot she'd made, which held her robe up. He felt it come clean, and started opening it up enough so he could see through. "Damn girl, you've got a better bod than Jess would have ever had," AJ said, whistling.

"Oh, you're sick AJ! Right in front of me?! At least Jess has a concience, something you two will never have! Sorry to interrupt you, thought maybe you'd want to be set straight, but obviously, you're happy with the sick mind you have now. Enjoy," Nick said, turning and walking out the door. He slammed the door shut, and ran out to his awaiting car. "Fuck you, AJ. And you're "girlfriend" Mindy. She'll learn.." Nick mumbled angrily, speeding out of the house of doom.

Chapter 5
Chapter 3