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~*Chapter 5*~

Jessica's Side: What an idiot I am! How could I have have done that! I can't believed I kissed him, just kissed him like that! I must have just ruined a wonderful friendship. My thoughts drifted and I fell asleep on my couch. I woke up the next morning and stepped into the shower, I was an intern at a law firm. That's how I met A.J. When the boys filed suits against their former managers they came to the law firm where I interned. I needed to go to work today to get this out of my mind. When A.J. and I where together he'd always try to convince me that I should just let him support me and go traveling on the road with him more. I never agreed and always payed my own way. Which ment I never saw a.j. much, that must have been all those times he had the chance to.....well cheat on me. I went out to my car and drove to the office.

Nick's Side: As soon as I got home I popped open a beer. What was I doing? I never drank. This whole thing with Jess and the kiss was just getting to me. I wanted to go over to Jess's house tell her how much I enjoyed the kiss and spend the rest of the night holding her. But it was too late for that......almost two in the morning. I'd wait until tomorrow..go to her office, if she was there and apologize. At about eight that morning my phone rang. "Jess?" I asked hoping it was her.

"No Nick it's me!" a womans voice said into the reciever.

"Who?" he asked again.

"Lisa, you idiot," she said with a pissy attitude.

"Oh hi," he said not wanting to speak to the one he no longer loved.

"Wow it sounds like your real anxious to talk to me..... why did you say Jess when you answered?"

"Ummm A.J. and Jess had a fight and she was just upset about it last night," he said.

"So you went over there?"

"Yah I went over there.... I love her Lisa,"

"Oh so now you love Jessica! So do you two have something going on?" Lisa asked. There was a long pause and Nick didn't know what to say.

"So I see it and Jess are more than friends," she yelled.

"I am friends with Jess and always will be," he said back.

"I forbid you to see her," she said.

"Are you asking me to pick you over Jessica," Nick said back.

"Me or her Nick," she said.

"Ya know what? I never loved you in the first place so I guess I'm picking Jess," he said and hung up the phone. I sat down. I just broke up with Lisa!!!! I was extactic. I have wanted to do that since our one month anniversary. I knew what I had to do next. A dozen roses appeared on Jessica's desk during her lunch break. The card read......'Meet me at North Shore at six. We need to talk-' Nick. North Shore, was a small little cafe on North Shore beach. The first place she had met Nick. What could the two have to talk about? He had Lisa and Jess had nothing. Her mind raced and she didn't know whether she should just go or totally discared the whole thing. I decided to go. Nick and I neede to talk this out. Nick's fingers trembeled, but not as much as his heart. He waited at the table for two, set with candlelight, the moon shining above while the ocean roared back and fourth. The fine sand was a soft white... too romantic? Nick thought to himself. Before he could decide if it was too romantic....she came through the door. The blck dress clinged tightly to her body, she was absoloutely perfect. Hi Nick," she said walking to the table.

"Hi Jessica," he said.

Chapter 6
Chapter 4