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~*Chapter 6*~

"I figured you'd come," Nick said, looking at me.

"Is that so?" I asked, eyebrows raised.

"Kinda, you're definitely not the kind of person who would stand people up. And... I figured you would also need to talk to me about, well.." his voice trailed off.

"Nick, I'm really sorry about that, I guess my.. um, emotions got the better of me, and it just kinda came out. But, I know you're still seeing Lisa, so, the kiss is just between you and me," I said, spitting it all out. I knew that wasn't really how I felt about it, I really loved him, deep down inside. But, since I was afraid of what Lisa would do, I kept it to myself. "You're sorry about the kiss? Don't be sorry. In fact, I kinda enjoyed it," he said, his eyes sparkling.

"You did? But what about Lisa?" I asked, bewildered.

"Her? Oh, she found out, and made me choose between her and you. I guess you can figure out which one I chose," Nick said, grinning.

"You chose me?!" I squeaked. I couldn't believe it. This was from the guy who looked so in love during the movies, always excited to see her after a concert. How could I have gotten between that? "Yeah. Besides, our relationship was never strong enough to live through everything. The kiss, just kinda made me wake up and realize it. So I guess I owe you a thank you," Nick replied.

"Um.. you're welcome," I said, trying to understand.

"Oh yeah, forgot to tell you. After I left your house, I decided to drop AJ a little "visit"," Nick started.

"Oh Nick! Why did you do that? It will just make things worse between us!" I cried.

"Why? You actually wanted to stay with that asshole?" Nick asked.

"No, I fell for him once, and I don't plan on making the mistake again. It's just that..." my voice trailed off. It was just what? Nothing. It was just the best guy in the world defending me. "Well, whatever," Nick said, looking hurt. "Anyway, he didn't look like he wanted to get back together with you," Nick continued. I was shocked.

"What?!" I exclaimed. "Yeah, that girl Mindy was there, and it was NOT a pleasant sight," Nick went on. My heart was broken again. I knew that he probably would have gotten Mindy, but it was hard to think that I had been with AJ for so long, and not realized he was seeing someone else. "Are you okay?" Nick asked, holding my hand from across the table.

"Yeah. I'm just a little... speechless. I mean, I'd dated him for so long, devoted my love to him, and that's how he repays me? By inviting Mindy over to talk things out with that slut?" I said, dumbfounded.

"Um, Jess? I think it was a little more than talking out. The only thing they used their lips for was making out," Nick commented.

"Thanks for correcting me," I laughed. It had been the first time I'd laughed in 3 days, and it was definitely overdue.

"It's good to see you laugh instead of cry for a change," Nick laughed.

"So, basically we're both now considered single and looking," I observed.

"Yeah, but that might not be the case for long," Nick winked. I blushed. It was similar to the same thing he first said to me when we first met, I remembered. I had just moved to Tampa, and I was sitting at an empty table drinking a soda, in this exact restaurant. All of a sudden, Nick had popped out of nowhere, and asked if he could join me. He asked if I was waiting for someone, and I had told him I had just moved her, and hadn't met anyone. He said the same thing he just said to me now, and introduced himself. That was how our whole friendship had started. "Um... do you want to, ya know, go down to the beach?" Nick asked, looking out the window at the moon's reflection on the soft waves.

"Sure, I'm getting kinda uncomfortable here anyway," I said, quickly standing up.

"This way," Nick said, grabbing my hand and guiding me out to the beach.

Chapter 7
Chapter 5