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~*chapter 7*~

My feet touched the wet cool sand. Both Nick and my shoes sat on the edge of the sand. "It's absoloutely gorgeous," I said looking out towards the glossy ocean.

"I've seen things even more prettier," he said taking me by the hand to where I met him eye to eye. He slowly took his hand and wiped the ocean mist out of my hair. "You know there's an old saying that the oceans spray is actually star's falling from heaven," he said in a faint whisper. As though someone might hear us though no one was around. I looked deep into his eye's and suddenly Nick's lips became closer to mine. He slowly brushed them across mine, it sent shivers up my spine and I knew I could lose all control when I was with Nick. I was just about to do that when my heart skipped a beat and a vision of A.J. appeared in my head and Lisa also. I pulled away from him too afraid of myself with him. Too afraid of the dangers that I might face with him. "What's wrong?" Nick asked in a concerned voice.

"I..I .......I just can't,"I yelled as I ran down the beach picked up my shoes and raced home. I heard Nick's footsteps come racing after me as I left quickly. As soon as I got home and flopped myself down on my bed and fell asleep dreaming. Actually it had to be more of a nightmare. Nick and I where holding hands with Nick while A.J. and Lisa stood on the other side of a white room. Lisa and A.J. both accussed Nick and I of having an affair. "So all this time it was you cheating on me!" yelled A.J. I couldn't do it, I just couldn't be with Nick not yet and not so soon.

"Sorry, Jerry, I just can't come in today. That tour has definately gotten me beat. Ya A.J. and I did break up but this had nothing to do with it. I just need some time to rest," I said and sipped my coffee. It was black no sugar, no cream, no anything....just black. Starring at the coffee my heart pitted, I wanted Nick I really did, but I couldn't handle the consequences that would come along with it. What would the fans think? First I'm with A.J. and now all of a sudden I'm with Nick. Ya I'm sure that would look absoloutely classy. Today was the fifteenth, the boys where starting recording today which ment no word from Nick or A.J. All of a sudden the doorbell rand and I put the phone down and walked over in my p.j.'s to answer it. I opend the door to see Nick standing in front of me. "Nick you know you shouldn-"

"You talk too much," he said taking my face in his hands and kissing me. This time it was his move.....I just recieved. As soon as he stopped I invited him in. He sat down on the couch...."You know you don't always have to be the quarterback," Nick said pulling the strands of hair from my face.

"What?" I asked confused.

"The quarterback throws the ball or makes the move while the reciever catches it or just let's the quarterback make the decision.....let me be the quarterback for a chance," He said softly.

"So I'm just the reciever," I said with a small half smile.

"But the reciever makes the touchdown," he said kissing me once again. Suddenly the consequences came face to face with me again. I stopped myself.

"I can't," I yelled. And began to push Nick out the door.

"No I won't leave Jess. I wan't you Jessica. Why can't you see that?" he stopped me.

"Nick I want you to but not the things that come with you," I said blurting the truth.

"What do you mean the things that come along with me?" he asked.

"What do you think your fans are going to think? Wow all of a sudden she's with A.J. and then she's with Nick..... wow that Jessica is real charming." I yelled in his face.

"I can't do it Nick!" He stopped me again.

"Jess we spent a lot of time together even with we where dating other people. We can keep this private," he said looking down on me.

"Private just you and me?" I asked concerned.

"Just you and I...I won't even tell my parents,"he said seeing my concern. My eyes welted up with tears.

'What's wrong?" Nick asked concerned.

"I've never had a guy actually keep us a secret," I said.

"Sweetie if I could shout it from the rooftops I would. I'm keeping this because I see how important to you this is," He said taking me into a hug.

"So does this mean where an item," I asked.

"I guess. Quarterback and reciever,"he said, while a smile drew across my face.

Chapter 8
Chapter 6