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~*Chapter 8*~

"Don't you have to go to the studio today? You know the guys need you there," I said, standing up.

"Yeah, but I want to make sure you're okay," he said kissing my head.

"I'll be fine, don't worry. Just as long as we keep this a secret, I'll be okay," I said, standing on my tip-toes to kiss him reassuringly. "

This little thing might be a secret, but that doesn't mean I'll stop caring about you. It just means that I'll care about you more, now that you're my girlfriend," Nick said, opening the door.

"Nick?" I asked.

"Yeah, what's the matter?" Nick asked, turning around.

"I love you," I said, shyly.

"I love you too," Nick said, hopping into his car. I saw him pull out of my driveway, and I slowly leaned on the door to close it. Was this how I always felt about AJ? I guess not, but I knew I liked this feeling. I felt light-headed, and my heart soared, but I knew it felt good. I walked back to the kitchen and started to sip at my now ice-cold coffee. "Ew! Gross!" I mumbled, dumping the coffee into the sink. I heard the phone ring, and prayed it was Nick.

"Hello?" I asked into it.

"You little bitch, what the hell did you tell Nick?" the voice of Lisa came all too clear.

"Good morning to you too," I mumbled.

"Oh don't give me the innocent girl act, I know you're all full of bull," she growled, "now I want the truth. Nick and I loved each other, and YOU got in the way, as always."

"What are you talking about? Nick dumped you with the brain he's got, he didn't need any coaxing from me," I said.

"Oh yeah? Then why did he all of a sudden fall for you?" she asked. I drew in a sharp breath, and there was a long pause.

"I KNEW IT! You wanted him for yourself didn't you?" she screamed.

"No... that's not it at all!" I defended.

"Oh yeah missy, well if I were you, I'd watch my back, I'm coming home early, how's tomorrow. And if I were you, I'd be VERY careful who you messed with," she growled. Then, there was a click, and the dial tone. I was so shaken up. Had he told her? He promised me! Wait, I thought, it had only been two minutes ago when he left, so he couldn't have had time to call her and tell her. I was baffled, but really scared. That was the first time I'd been threatened, and I didn't need to be any more scared than I already was. The phone rang again, and I was afraid to pick it up. It rang 3 times, and I gave up. "H-h-hello?" I asked, nervously.

"HEY! You'll never guess what happened?" Nick exclaimed excitedly.

"What? You just got there!" I said, happy I didn't have to hear Lisa.

"Well, how would you like it if this quarterback asked the cute reciever if she wanted to go to the Miami Dolphins game tomorrow? I mean, it could help these two figure out some new plays to run," Nick invited.

"How'd you get tickets?! That game's been sold out for ages!" I exclaimed, surprised at his recent offer.

"Well, honestly, right now I'm standing in a closet, so no one can hear me, but we're all singing the national anthem at the next Dolphin's game. And, considering you're a Dolphins fan, I thought maybe you might be interested in going," he said, never losing any of his enthusiasm.

"No way!" I said, confidence rising.

"Yeah, do you want to go?" he repeated.

"Umm... Nick, do you find that a little straight forward?" I asked.

"Us going as friends? Nope," he said.

"Oh, well, what about AJ and Lisa?" I asked.

"I already told you, don't worry about them. Besides, when have you cared about Lisa? You never did like her," Nick reminded.

"Oh, it's nothing," I whispered, getting quiet, tears forming in my eyes.

"Something happened, and you won't tell me," he said, "but if you don't want to tell me, I'm not going to force you. Just tell me, do you want to go or not?" Nick asked again, hurt.

"Sure, if you'll have fun, I'll go," I said, reassuringly.

"Okay, see you at 6 right?" he asked.

"Yeah, but why?" I asked.

"Oh, didn't I tell you? You're invited to my house for dinner. My parents were concerned about you, especially after AJ," he said.

"Oh, cool! I do have to catch up with BJ," I grinned, remembering the last time we talked. She was always a very down-to-earth kind of girl, and we always talked about "girl stuff" as Nick liked to call it. "Oh, great, another girl get-together," Nick groaned, "sorry I even brought it up."

"Oh, you're such a grouch!" I teased.

"Well, gotta go, we're seeing some new material, and they kinda--" he started.

"Need your help, I know, I've heard that line before, if not from you, from AJ," I said, bringing back the sour memories of our old relationship.

"Okay, bye," Nick said, hanging up. What would I wear? I asked myself, heading up to my closet. Well, let's just dress casual, cuz it's only the Carters, I grinned. Yes, the Carters, my boyfriend's family. They never really cared what I wore, and considering they didn't even know Nick and I were a couple, it didn't really matter if they saw my hair unbrushed, and ripped clothes. I laughed, that would be a funny sight to see. I looked at my closet, and couldn't wait to see BJ and everyone once again.

Chapter 9
Chapter 7