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Memorial for James Levi Kelly (1981-2001)

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Jimi, as he was most well known, passed away Friday, February 16, 2001. This page is dedicated to his memory, and will serve as a reminder of his music, life, and dreams.

James died in a car crash in Eatonville, Washington. It was a freak accident, and thankfully his death was instantaneous, so he did not feel anything. He is survived by his mother, and little brother in Sumner, WA.

As soon as I possibly can, this website will undergo a drastic remodeling to make it a suitable memorial for the life of one of the greatest people my friends and I have ever known. James put his soul into his music and the world will be a sadder place without him here to brighten it. There will be a song that he wrote played on this website as soon as I can get it into mp3 format and then all the world may appreciate him.


Memorial for Jimi Kelly