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Wicca 101

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Class One: The Goddess and God

Goddess and God as "The Humanized Face of Divinity"
Immanent vs. Transcendent Deities
Monotheism vs. Polytheism vs. Animism vs. Pantheism
The Great Goddess Archetypes

The Great God Archetypes

Class Two:     The History/Herstory of Witchcraft

  Religion in the Paleolithic Times
The Pagan Religions of Old Europe

The Roman Religion and Culture
Early Christianity and Paganism
Medieval Europe: The Burning Times
The Craft Underground
The Witchcraft Act Repealed and Gerald Gardner
The Renaissance of the Craft

Class Three:    Cosmology and Thealogy

  Creation Myths in Wicca
Goddess and God
Deities as Facets of Ultimate Reality

Levels of Reality
All Things are Energy
Consensual Reality vs. Starlight Vision (magickal, intuitive perspective)

Class Four:        The Wheel of the Year

  The Lunar Calendar
Esbats: Celebrating the Phases of the Moon
The Great Sabbats: Imbolc, Beltain, Lughnasadh, and Samhain
The Solar Calendar
The Lesser Sabbats: Yule, Ostara, Midsummer and Mabon
Seasonal Celebrations and Modern Society

  Class Five:        Magick and Ethics

  Magick and Beliefs
The Wiccan Rede
The Law of Return ("Threefold Law")
Psychic Defense vs. Negative Magick
Working with Permission
Ethics Scenarios for Discussion

  Class Six:        Living Pagan

  Manifesting the God/dess Within
Honoring the Goddess in One Another
Living with Younger Self
Celebrating the Wheel of the Year
Magick: Theurgy and Thaumaturgy
Protecting and Healing the Earth
Working with Animals and Plants
Divination in Daily Life