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Riva -- The Hallway


Name: Adrian

Race: Sendar

Eyes: Brown

Hair: long, brown usually in a braid

Height: 5'8"

Weight: 150 lbs, muscled in a wiry way

Distinguishing Marks/Features: Eyes will turn from dark brown to gold, during times of extreem emotion. (ie, very angry, sad, grief etc.)

Adrian is now in her mid-teen years. Rather ordinary looking except her eyes will change from their normal brown to almost gold with the flux of emotions similar to anger.

Adrian is a Sendarian. Unfortunately at the age of 5, a freak strom hit off the coast of Camaar sinking the ship Adrian, Seline her mother and her father Odrian were returning home on.

The ship Wave Serpent, sunk leaving Adrian the only known survivor.

Adrian was washed ashore the Isle of Winds clinging to a piece of wood. Having no memory of the sinking ship, or of her parents being washed under the high waves Adrian is discovered unconsious by a passerby.

Orphaned, and with no memory of her past Adrian makes her way on the streets of Riva as best she can. She became an adept thief, but after a while people became suspicious and Adrian left the city of Riva to explore the rest of the Island.

During her travels Adrian came uppon a band of sheperds. Now, earning her food by watching various heards Adrian became quite adept at the weapon given to her after a year of service. The weapon was the bow, and by now after almost ten years of constant practice there was no one in the band of sheperds that could match her.

Time wore on for Adrian, it was beginning to be time to find a new way of life, the sheperds began to suggest marriage - and marriage held no interest for young Adrian.

Through this door to return to The Hallways: