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Riva -- The Hallway Anataela

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Name: Anataela

Race: Marag/Ulgo

Eyes: Violet-blue

Hair: Black like her mother's, mid-length with a slight curl. Usually worn in multiple braids to keep out of the way.

Height: 5'4 or so

Weight: Average for height

Distinguishing marks: Very pale skin like Ulgo's. This is the bane of her life as she burns in the sun so easily. She has inherited her father's scary ability to walk through solid rock.

Anataela and her twin brother Antarin were born to Relg and Taiba three years after the birth of Belgeran to Belgarion and Ce'Nedra. They were the 10th and 11th children, and to date have six more brothers and sisters after them. At the time of their birth, they were living in Maragor, and the only people they knew besides their own family were the Monks of Mar Terrin, who were entrusted to educate the children. Then of course, there were the ghosts, but the family were not sent mad, as they were under the protection of Mara, and the spirits delighted in their presence. They continued to allow no outsiders into Maragor, unless invited there by one of the inhabitants.

At age 15 Anataela became restless. She looked at her oldest sisters content with their family lives and decided she wanted more than a husband and babies. She took these concerns to her mother ansd she advised Anataela to go out into the world until she was ready to start a family. Then she should return to Maragor.

Anataela and Antarin set out together to look for adventure. Uncertain of where to go, they headed west and found themselves eventually at the wood of the dryads. There was a mixed welcome at first, but it was not long before Antarin fell in love with one dryad by the name of X'lina. Their union was blessed by the Queen and X'lina and Antarin left the wood to live in Maragor. Anataela remained for a while and her new sisters taught her to use a bow and arrow. However, she began to grow increasingly restless and after 18 months decided to move on. She decided to go to Prolgu to meet her eldest brother, who she did not remember, and to learn a little more about UL. She spent a couple of years there and learned a great deal about herself, and also that she was a diviner like her father.

As well as exploring the vast network of caves, she spent a lot of time in the mountains and valleys surrounding the holy place of the Ulgos, studying the animals and "monsters" that lived there. She was often frustrated in her attempts to communicate with the fauna until she discovered she had some ability with the Will and the Word. To this date her ability remains untrained, but she does not have a lot of power. She learned to channel it into shape-changing and in doing so learned a great deal more about the creatures as she became them. She occasionally encountered the odd adventurer and delighted in leading them away from their quarry. Sometimes she would introduce herself to the more interesting male adventurers, but would never allow anyone to get too close. She liked her freedom too much.

On a visit to her brother in Prolgu not long after her 21st birthday, Anataela learned something of the history of the Marags following their near extermination and of their fate at the hands of the Nyissan slave traders. She decided that on her travels she would try to find out what she could about what happened to them, and see if she could locate any further Marags still alive, remnants and survivors like her mother. This remains her quest to this day, although, being rather young and easily distracted she often finds herself completely off her intended course. So far, she has found no trace.

The Hallways