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Riva -- The Hallway


Arwen Evenstar Race: Elf

Hair: Long Blond curly hair that reaches to her waist

Eyes: Green

Height: 5'0" (Just picture Arwen and Belgeran together *laugh*)

Size: very slender

Distiguishing marks: Once it was pointed ears, now since the transformation ... rumor has it Arwen has wings though if she does, they are kept hidden and are rarely shown.

Arwen is an elf from another world called Middle Earth. She is the daughter of Elrond who was the keeper of Vilya, one of the three great Rings of the Elves (The Lord of the Rings, by JRR Tolkien). After the battle against the Dark Lord Sauron and the destruction of the One Ring, Arwen married Aragorn, one of the fellowship and King of Gondor. By marrying Aragorn, Arwen doomed herself to the fate of man, or so she thought, and did not pass with the rest of the elves to the "Undying Lands". She and Aragorn had a son Eldarion. When Aragorn died and Eldarion took the throne, Arwen thought that she soon would soon die and leave the world, but the years passed and her end never came. Realizing that the doom of men did not seem to have come to her, she traveled to the Gray Havens and tried to follow in her kinfolks footsteps and passed over to the "Undying Lands". It was during that journey that somehow she passed through to this world.

Arwen landed on the Western continent at the edge of Tolnedra and the Woods of the Dryad. Being in a strange land, Arwen stayed to the woods as she was more comfortable there. There she met the Dryads and was taken to Xantha, the Dryad queen and after telling them of her adventures, was welcomed in amongst them. They soon found that Elves and Dryads were much a like (except perhaps in stature).

Arwen spent quite some time in the wood, and was very content. After a while though she became curious of this new world and decided to leave the world and explore.

She moved through Tolnedra and up through the Alorn nations. After awhile she traveled through Garog Nadrak and then took ship across the Sea of the East to Mallorea. It was there in her travels that her life was changed. She came upon a small tavern in a little town and decided to spend some time to rest. There she met Belgeran, Crown Prince of Riva, who had also been out traveling. The two fell in love almost immediately and never seemed to leave each other's side. When Belgeran left Mallorea to return to Riva, Arwen went with him.

Arwen and Belgeran were engaged and were set to marry. It was soon after their engagement that Korgor captured Arwen and took her to another world (the Elenium/Tamuli world) to keep her captive. Belgeran, believing that his love had been captured by Ka, The Murgo Queen, finally succumbed to her demand and instructing the Orb to let her touch it and wield it, handed over the Orb of Aldur to insure Arwen's safety. Arwen, however, was not being held by Ka, but by Honor, Belteel (The Silver-eyed sorcerer) wayward daughter. Honor made a deal with Korgor and she was handed over to him ... Korgor took his captive back to the other world (Belgariad/Mallorean world). And on the plains of Algaria, in an offering to the Dark God Azrai, Arwen was sacrificed to him to help bring him into the world. A wandering spirit, however, intervened and Arwen was brought back from the world of the Dead and she was reunited with Belgeran after the Battle of Sapphire hill to reclaim the Orb was over.

The two made their way back to Riva and were married in a beautiful ceremony. At the reception, Ka and her minions interrupted set upon destroying the happy day. Unable to target Belgeran directly, Ka had one of her minions go after Arwen to insure that the Rivan line was not continued. Vylette, another Worldhopper, forced Arwen into an accelerated and extremely painful pregnancy. Within a matter of minutes Arwen was left barren. Arwen and Belgeran then set upon a dangerous plan to turn back what had been done to her. Traveling alone across to Mallorea, Arwen went to a temple of Eriond and appealed to the boy god's help. Eriond listened to her plea and restored Arwen fully and then returned her to Belgeran's side as he stood outside the gates of Rak Zemlya. There ... battle raged between the forces of good and the forces of evil. It was in this battle, that Ka, the Murgo Queen, gained what she had desired most. With the help of Belteel, she became a God. KA, true goddess of Angarak, then declared war upon the West and on the Royal couple of Riva. Arwen has known no peace since.

Turmoil broke out almost immediately, and Arwen and Belgeran set out first to Drasnia, then to Mallorea to try and quash the uprising of Azrai and stop KA and her minions in their evil plans. Though she had been warned by Eriond that traveling to Mallorea would seal her doom, Arwen continued on anyways. She was kidnapped by Korgor and to seal the alliance between Azrai and KA, she was given to KA as a gift.

Arwen and KA faced each other finally in battle and though she was able to hold her own for awhile and even leave a lasting scar on KA's face, she faltered and was killed. As KA rejoiced in her enemies death, Arwen's spirit was called back from the edge of the World of the Dead by Belteel. There in the world between living and dead, Arwen's true identity was finally revealed. She was the ultimate grand daughter of the Silver Eyed sorcerer. Belteel used his power and gave life back to his kin, but in the process transformed her to her true self. Though perhaps still an elf at heart, she no longer bears the tell tail pointed ears. Belteel also opened the doors to the powers that had laid dormant inside her all these years. Seeing that she was now able to face KA, he sent her back to the world of living to join with Belgeran in the fight for good.

Through this door to return to The Hallways: