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Riva -- The Hallway Belgeran

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Race: Alorn/Dryadic and Unknown race of Belgarath's Lineage. Fair skinned, but tan well.

Hair: Sandy Blonde, like Belgarion, worn long in youth, kept shorter now.

Eyes: Bright Blue

Height: 6'10" (Really, Really tall)

Weight: 375 lbs of pure muscle

Distiguishing marks: Faint, silvery mark on palm marking me as the Rivan Heir and Bearer of the Orb. Startling resemblence to King Riva Iron-Grip.

Other: Wears no weapons except Iron-Grip's Sword, but even that is usually stored invisibly. Usually clothed in Rivan grey cloak with blue (trimmed with gold) shirts and pants, with black boots. In battle, bright golden plate armour by day which turns jet black at night.

Belgeran is the son of Belgarion, King of Riva, and Ce'Nedra the Rivan Queen. Now around the age of 23, Belgeran has come into his own, discovering the Will and the Word that lay dorment inside of him. He stumbled upon his abilities when he was about the age of 13, and was then educated and tutored by Belgarion, Belgarath, and Polgara. His command of the Will and the Word is not fully developed yet, and the crown Prince still has a tendancy to rush things a bit and to get over excited.

Physically, Belgeran has developed to an enormous degree, through sword training and weight lifting. He has become an excellent young swordsman with the stature and strength of Iron Grip himself, often times besting his father in matches.

Belgeran is very much the romantic - almost Arendish - in how much he yearns for the rush of the battle and the dramatic last stand against all odds. It was the romantic that fell head over heals in love with Arwen, an elven Beauty from another land, and won her heart. It was not long before the two were engaged and married. He likes to do things in a very GRAND style, which often causes problems during adventures!

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