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The Hallway Belteel

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Race: First One (what the demons were before they became Evil... probably like an angel)

Hair: raven black with metallic silver streaks...

Eyes: Silver, Glowing

Height: 6'2"

Weight: 196 lbs

Distinguishing traits: two things off hand, silent will, his sorcery can't be heard by others... and he can transfer to true form, a razor clad angel with wings and everything...

Other: Belteel is an ancient creature, the twin brother of the King of Hell as such he is the most powerful being under UL... however much of his power is taken up by restraining KoH... this now leaves him with about the power of a normal god...

In the beginning there was nothing. That nothingness took shape and became a form of Nothingness. Then from beyond the form came a light, and that light was Ul. Ul, in his wisdom, changed the form of the nothingness to shine with his own light, the universe was formed.

It came to pass that UL and the universe sought to bring forth works of themselves. They brought forth a creature to bring them more glory. But lo when they looked once again there were two creatures, each equal in stature, power, and glory. They took upon them both creatures though one was not meant to be.

A darkness was among them and they knew it not.

They named there creatures Cai'Thon and Thak'Lar and built a world for them to roam. It came to pass that the creatures beseeched UL, asking him to create those who would be their companions on their world. UL, seeing this was good, agreed.

He made creatures to stand upon the world, and for his "First Ones" to provide guidance. Many were the great works that were done, cities built, great works of will, new and powerful technologies… but darkness was among them, waiting.

UL, seeing the beauty of his world decided to build another, completely separate from the first and under their own rule.

The darkness made its move…

Now it so happened that once the new world was begun. Cai'Thon came to Thak'Lar. They conferred with each other, speaking of how they might assist UL with the new world he had built. Thak'Lar believed that they should watch these new beings and learn what they may from them, but Cai'Thon disagreed saying that as the first sons of UL it was there right to lead these new people.

Cai'Thon took his complaint to UL, who responded by saying he must take that which is his and leave that which is not. That should have ended it but the darkness came forward sowing the seeds of discontent within Cai'Thon. It wasn't long before Thak'Lar noticed a difference in his brother. His normally assertive and happy brother had become brooding, even aggressive. Whenever he spoke to Cai'Thon about it he was told in no uncertain terms to mind his own business.

It came to pass that on a beautiful morning one of his people came to Thak'Lar and his fear was evident on his face. This person spoke saying that Cai'Thon had called a council of all those he believed 'loyal'. He told these people that they should take what should be theirs, meaning the new world. He also told the people that Thak'Lar was a coward, unfit to lead them, and must be disposed of.

Thak'Lar didn't understand this message so he brought the man before UL. Together they looked out at the people and saw the corrupted soul of what had once been perfect. All throughout the world Cai'Thon's followers were rooting out those loyal to Thak'Lar. Thak'Lar turned to UL saying, "What should I do?"

UL told him to gather those who were loyal to him and take them to the new world. There they would be safe for a time and could prepare to defend against his brother. Having no choice Thak'Lar did so, and thus began the greatest war in the history of any world.

Once in the new realm Thak'Lar began to prepare for battle. He waited for Cai'Thon to attack But after a while it seemed the attack wasn't coming… That was until the day he noticed his people were changing. Not only in mood and demeanour but in pure physical sense they were evolving…what had once appeared as mostly what we would consider human was no more.

He looked at himself and saw the changes taking place as well, only his own were different. His muscle mass began to increase, his back contorted and began to grow great wings, his very skin erupted becoming a razor-clad armor, but most importantly the golden aura which had been about him disappeared and was replaced with a fiery silver glow…

It was at this point where he realized UL was preparing them for battle and that his brother's followers must be changing too. He sent forth messengers to the people of the new world warning them and they promised to give what aid they could.

Days later the portal opened and the first wave attacked. Darkness had found a new realm to destroy…

"The Records" This being an account of the Creation of the World - taken from the holy books of UL, from the personal library of Gorim.

And lo, it came to pass that as the war began in truth, those who would be known as demons came forth and joined the battle with those who are no more. And the battle raged fiercely for those who are no more were sorely outnumbered. Many fell that day for the lack of knowledge in the ways of death. For before this time death had not existed and in this war it first came to be. As those who are no more were pressed relentlessly back and Thak'Lar became afraid a new cry rose on the horizon and the denizens of the new realm came to their aid. Joining there forces as one the allies drove the demons back nearly unto the portal to the first realm. Seeing his evil horde being thrown back Cai'Thon himself came forth unto the New World. Where is feet fell the land was blackened and charred and he struck fear into the hearts of all before him. Their confidence renewed the demons charged forward slaughtering all before them. As the allies fled Cai'Thon came unto the centre of the New World and grasped its very heart.

The heart of the realm blackened at his touch and he took it unto himself and it was given the form of a sword. Thus was Cthrek Goru first formed.

With the power of his new weapon Cai'Thon lashed out. Thak'Lar watched in horror as the first realm, his home, was shattered. Using what power he could, Thak'Lar forged a hiding place for his allies, out of the sight of his brother. Then seeing that they were as safe as possible he travelled to the ruins of the first realm to see what might be salvaged. Upon his arrival he found nothing. Though he searched from one corner to the next there was no substance with in the realm as he looked at his home and what it had become, one silver tear fell. And it struck. Lines of energy formed in the void, which was his home. as the silver tear reawakened the heart of realm. Thak'Lar looked and saw at the centre of the realm a crystal which appeared to hold the essence of the skies of the world. He took unto himself the cloudcrystal and with its power forged his own blade.

Thus was Mystalon created.

With his new weapon in hand Thak'Lar returned to the New World to find it blacked with the darkness of evil. The lands were scorched and a stench of brimstone constantly filled the air. The demons were hunting his followers as well as fighting among themselves. Finally a great voice filled the air as Cai'Thon bellowed, "CEASE!"

The demons milled about in confusion as Cai'Thon addressed all the people within the world. "This is now MY world. I rule here. I AM KING!!! All who bow before me will be spared and allowed to join the Kingdom of Hell. No one can stop me. My foolish brother has tried and failed. His world lies in ruins. He can not be beaten, Chaos can never be destroyed!"

Hearing this and knowing it was true Thak'Lar nearly despaired, when he heard a voice. Speaking quietly only to him the voice said, "But it can be contained."

Startled, Thak'Lar asked, "Who are you?"

The voice responded, "I am Mystalon, the blade of your forging. Together we are the Order to counter your brother's Chaos. We cannot destroy him, but we can contain him. Even now your father prepares a new realm. Combining our energy with it will allow us to hold him…

Thak'Lar stared in wonder at the blade,which had suddenly become the greatest of his friends and allies. "It may be possible." With that he called forth those still loyal to begin the final attack. Together the Lost Ones and those who would become the Demonquellers charged the demon ranks in mass. Many lives were lost on both sides but as Mystalon met Cthrek Goru for the first time the last of the Lost Ones was slain. All came to a halt as the two brothers fought. They raged back and forth like savage creatures…

*UL drew in his Will*

Cai'Thon began to gain the upper hand. He pressed his brother back moving through quick combinations anyone else couldn't see, let alone block. Thak'Lar was barely able to keep up with him. Finally, Cai'Thon struck, drawing first blood.

*Ul released his Will, the third realm was created*

Both brothers sensed the new realm and as Cai'Thon was distracted Thak'Lar struck, Forging his power with that of Mystalon and their combined power with energy from the firmaments of the new world, Thak'Lar lashed out. He didn't try to destroy him, he didn't even try to harm him. Using his full force Thak'Lar bound his brother in unbreakable chains of Will…

*On the third world a tree bloomed and grew. This tree had no seed and no blossoms for it would be the only like it ever. It was the physical manifestation of the chains binding the king of hell*

As the chains wrapped around him Cai'Thon unleashed one last attack and struck out at the third realm. Then he submitted and was completely chained from his power. Still the dark ball of energy flew toward the third realm.

*In an insignificant solar somewhere near the middle of the universe a small star exploded… this should have been uneventful except the star happened to be near a larger star, which happened to be near some even larger stars. A chain reaction ensued and in it's final burst the Meganova hit the centre of the world, breaking it in two. The pieces hurtled through the world much faster than even the speed of light, and when they fell great things would happen…*

Through this door to return to The Hallways: