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Riva -- The Hallway Elsin

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Name: Elsin

Race: Unknown

Eyes: Gold when happy, Black when angry

Hair: Very short, black

Height: 6’4”

Weight: 210lbs

Distinguishing marks: Birthmark on right arm and a scar down inbetween his left eye and nose.

Elsin was washed ashore somewhere on the Sendarian coast after being attacked by a Mugo ship, he was about 20 but he couldn’t remember much before the attack. He regained consciousness and discovered a silver amulet with a dragon on it, the eyes were blue stones and they shimmered in the light, he took it and put it round his neck, although he liked it he needed some money as he had no idea where he was, or where his money was. He got off the beach and wandered around in search of a place to stay and eat, he fashoned a sling out of the leather on his tunic and caught his evening meal.

After 2 days he discovered a farm run by a man named Faldor, he traded food, shelter, clothing and maps for labour. While he was there he tried to sell his amulet but when he tried to take it off he coulden’t get it off, it was locked in place. He left about a week later, he had find a way to make money so he traveled into a town on the southern border of Sendaria to look for a job, he found one almost instantly, on the way he saw someone being attacked by bandits, he took out his sling, wich he was very good at using now and knocked one out and killed the other. The man gave him a small reward and said ‘You sould go and see the mayor, hes been looking for someone with your talent to drive the thives out of this area’. That’s how Elsin became Elsin the Ranger. The mayor gave him some coins and sent him to a village a little north of town to train with the weapons master there. He soon got the knack of archery, his hand-eye co-ordination was very good because of the sling he liked to use on his travels. After a while he mastered the sword, axe and other small hand weapons. After his training was complete he returned to the town and the mayor Thorgrim fitted him out with all the things he needed.

After a few years of a good salary the bandits were all driven out and he didn’t see any reason to stay anymore, he left the town of Lotheren one eveining after a banquet in his hounour, the people of the village gave him the best Alger horse they could find and some packs with food and some healing tools which he learned to use while he was driving villains out, he had to help the injured victims. All the while he was spending his years there his hatred of Murgos was welling up inside him, the destroyed his ship and left him stranded on an unknown beach.

He was passing over a mountain range toward the Vale of Aldur when he came across a small boulder, stuck into the rock was a mighty looking sword, he unsheathed his own, a short sword that was fairly dented. He went up to the sword and tried to pull the sword out, it was fairly stuck in, he thought of Murgos for a second and rage builded up inside him, he tore the sword from the stone, it skreeched as he pulled it out. He held it in both hands and marvelled at its magnificance, then he looked at his dented short sword and then back at the giant long-sword, ‘Well’ he said, ‘it would be a shame to leave it lying here.’

He passed through Gar og Nadrak and Morindland and over the land bridge onto Boundless Mallorea. He headed towards the capital, Mal Zeth and this is where he still remains with his elite warriors called the Flaming Fist. He sometimes visits a training camp on Perivoir that he set up to recruit more warriors, most of his men stay on Perivoir, training young hopefuls and waiting for a job.

The Hallways