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Riva -- The Hallway


Race: Nyssian

Hair: Bald

Height: About 5'10"

Size: Slim but muscular

Distiguishing marks: Has a scar running through his left
eye should be. Issus doesn't wear any eye-patch so this is in view for all to see. He also has some small faded scars on his face. Although he is in his late sixties, he has the body of a mid-twenty year old

Issus was born into a poor family.His father was a grave digger/robber.When he was about 7, they decided that it was time he earned his keep. Deciding that he was still to young to out his father, they gave him to one of his uncles. A chemist trade but he also moonlighted as an assassin on the side. Although not a very good one.

As time went by and Issus learned the trade of a chemist became clear that he a natural for it. Between the two of them, his father and uncle decided that this may not just be a temporary job after all. Not taking in to consideration Issus's distaste for the majority of the narcotics that they sold. They also agreed to try him and teach him the ways of a hired assassin. This was something that he loved greatly, for not only was he a natural with drugs but an even better one with weapons and styles of fighting. It didn't take him long to outstrip his teachers and they passed him on to better ones.

With in a few years he was starting to do small jobs for his masters and eventually went out to business on his own. Unfortunately, Issus knew how good he was and became increasingly cocky in his approach. This caused him to make the worst mistake of his life. He was hired to kill one of the head eunuchs of Salmissra's court. Thinking that it would be easy to kill . It turned out anything but, and it is through to this mistake that he lost his eye. To make sure he never thinks about getting cocky again he doesn't wear an eye-patch.

A few years went by and he got a job with the Dagashi working in Sthiss Tor. Here he met a young woman called Aryissa, and fell deeply in love. Both of them loved each other enough to realise they could not stay together with the way their careers where going, and went their seperate ways. Despite this they met up every once in a while and carried on as if they never went their own ways.

Once again time pasted as time tends to do, and this time the Tolnedran battles for the throne was the situation. Issus was hired by the Borunes to make sure that the others houses didn't get to confident. Here he made his fortune and met one of his best friends, a man called Brador. He was a chemist as well, but was also an agent of the Tolnedran Intellegence.

When the battle between Torak and Garion came about,Issus was back in Sthiss Tor working for himself.During this time he made himself useful to the government there and started getting jobs from them.Ten years later when Geran was kidnapped, he started working for the DIS, and then afterwards for Salmissra as her personal guard-assassin.

About three years after this, one of the Daghasi heads a friend of Issus, called Kadach came to imform him that Aryissa had died in a mission for them.He went down to Cthol Murgo and killed one of the last high priests down there named Polnam, he was never really the same after her lose.

After the death of Ayrissa, Issus carried on with life as usual but to those who knew him well it was clear to see that he was not totally ok. About seven years or so after her death, the second highest Eunuch in Salmissra's court a man called Tranus, tried to kill Sadi. Issus was asked to investigate into the attempt. During his search which took him back to Tol Honeth his good friend Brador died. With the loss of the last of his best friends, Issus lost all will to live deep down. Though he never showed this.

Again time went by and Ka rose to power in Cthol Murgo, although intially Issus stayed out of the dispute, Belteel asked him to help the goodies when Korgor kidnapped Sweyn. After this Issus was ordered by Salmissra and hired by the DIS ,to watch Belgeran's back, neither group know that the other had hired him and he wasn't going to tell, more money that way.

At the Battle of Sapphire hill, he was killed by Silk. But a young elven cleric friend of his by the name of Kanku tryed to ressurect him.The elfs god Rokoon, was undecided as to what to do with him, while Issus was an assassin, a vocation the god hated as his evil brother was served by the only group of them on his world. He also sensed the good in Issus. Eriond eventually intervened , though Issus does not know this and Rokoon gave Issus a new younger body, telling him that it was a punishment for his life of murder, as Rokoon saw Issus just wanted to die and be with his friends.

A few weeks later,Eriond came to him and told him that he was now Eriond's assassin and Korgor was his only target,at the moment. And so Issus joined up with the goodies full time, altough he was going to double cross them if their temporary alligance with Azrai and Korgor turned out permanent.

Issus now has a renewed will to live and serves Eriond with every breath in his body.

Through this door to return to The Hallways