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Riva -- The Hallway Khavir

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Name: Khavir

Race: Drasnian

Eyes: blue/green

Hair: dark, cut straight, between chin and earlobe in length, long bangs

Height: 5' 3"


Distinguishing marks: None

Khavir is the daughter of the Margravine Liselle and Silk. Her mother left her with a noble Rivan couple who were sworn to secrecy as to her true parentage when she was very young. When she was twelve they moved to Drasnia, believing she had a right to experience her real heritage, and they enrolled her in the Intelligence Academy. Khavir showed talent in the field but after graduating she didn't join the Intelligence Service, instead training to become a fighter. At about sixteen she finally demanded to know who her true parents were. The Rivan couple who had taken her in wouldn't say more than the fact that they were Drasnians, which contented her for the moment. As time went on however, she found her curiousity about these faceless entities growing, despite that she loves her adoptive parents as if they were biological.

The Hallways