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Riva -- The Hallway Khella

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Name: Khella

Race: Angarak(Nadrak)/Drasnian

Eyes: Dark green

Hair: Black, waist length

Height: 5'7"

Weight: 120lbs

Distinguishing marks: Always seen with a small wolf, named Tiny, by her side.

Grolims killed Khella's mother when Khella was only seven years old. She never knew her father. With only a pair of Nadrak daggers, the little girl had been left in the forest to fend for herself and had met a pack of wolves. However, for obscure reasons of her own, the leader of the pack decided not to kill her and raised her instead, treating the little girl like one of her own cubs. Over time, Khella learned to speak Wolfish and was able to communicate with the other wolves.

The Hallways