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Riva -- The Hallway Polendora

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NAME: Polendora

RACE: Mimbrate Arend

EYES: Green ringed with blue

HAIR: Long wavy Auburn hair

SIZE: curvy

DISTINGUISHING MARKS: A small white birthmark in the shape of a crescent moon with a star at the tip on her shoulder.

My mother died in childbirth, leaving me only a locket with her picture in it. I was the only daughter in a house filled with treachery and deceit. It was no secret to anyone that my father, the Baron of Vo Evandor, was squandering away the family fortune on high priced mistress and his latest wife's vulgar but expensive tastes. I learned quickly what my Place was to me, but more importantly I learned how to survive in my home.

When I was six, I was eavesdropping on the servants, when I learned that I had been engaged at birth to one of the more notorious of my father's business associates. Kamin Brador, a man who'd already been married five times. All five of his wives had been young pretty girls; three of them dying in childbirth, while the other two had committed suicide. That was the first time I tried to run away. And the last. I had made it very far when I was caught, and when I was returned to my father I received a severe beating. Although I received many beatings, my father was careful never to leave any lasting marks, afraid in might ruin my market value. Soon I learned not to fight back at all.

When I was twelve, Kamin came to see what his precious gold had bought him. Although I was still a child, my looks had earned my fair share of trouble and then some. Apparently what Kamin had seen had made an impression upon him, for that night I was taken to his manor in the outskirts of Vo Mimbre. Although society, frowned upon the marriage of girls as young as I was, no one came to release me from the hell I'd been brought to. Soon, all the wifely duties fell upon my slender shoulders, and quickly I learned exactly what was expected of me.

When I was fourteen, Kamin and I were married. To him, I was connivance exemplified. Young when I'd been given to him, I was trained to his ways, and had the mannerisms of a lady. Also, my father's title would come unto me and my husband upon his death, giving Kamin his long sought nobility.

One day, while on my way to join Kamin at the manor of a Austrian nobleman, my party rode too close to the Ulgo Mountains and fell under the attack of monsters. Escaping only because of my quick wit and survival skills learned in my father's castle, I rode deeper into the Ulgo Mountains. Only much later did I learn that the monster that had attacked us were Algoroths. After wandering for many days, lost in the mountains and besieged by danger, I stumbled up a cavern where an old man sat in the entrance. He smile at me with kind blue eyes, and upon hearing my plight, told me he would escort me to the Ulgo city of Progulu. Once in Progulu, he introduced me to Gorim, the leader of the Ulgo's. This was the beginning of a new way of life for me. I lived among the Ulgo's for many years, secreted away in a hidden cave.

I was just 18 when I discovered my use of the Will and the Word, or sorcery. I had decided to move my furniture in my cave, and rather than ask for help, I tried to do it myself. Past the point of frustration, I'd screamed move at my couch, and was quite surprised to find myself face down on the floor, and the couch up against the far wall. Not very long after a blue and a white light appeared in my living area. From description, I immediately recognized UL's presence, and dropped into a deep curtsy. Seeing this UL chuckled and took my hands.

"Rise child." I rose obediently and turned to look at his companion. The kindly old man who'd lead me here to Progulu, surrounded by a blue nimbus. Immediately I recognized him as Aldur, the god of a scraggly bunch of sorcerers and the very beautiful Polgara. That day I was taken as Aldur's daughter, and began my journey towards discipleship. A surprise to everyone it may be, but I saw that motley group of travelers who came and took the Blind Man in quest of the Maimed One. Forbidden to reveal my presence, I stayed hidden as ordered and my presence went unnoticed.

Through my years of study, I rose to disciple. Not long after The Choice, Aldur came and escorted me to the Vale to meet the unique group I'd joined. Even Beldin and Vella came to welcome me. It wasn't long after that I met Garion and Ce'Nedra, along with their darling children. Feeling somewhat of an outsider, I left them to visit with Polgara Durnik, their twins, and Poledra and Belgarath.

Not very long ago at all, Aldur, along with UL and Eriond came to me and asked me to take up the task I am presently engage in. I was to help defeat KA, who'd just risen to Goddess by holding the chain of the King Of Hell with Beteel. My task took me from the Vale where I'd felt so safe for so long. My journey started where my old life had ended. Arendia.

I journeyed to Vo Mimbre in my favorite form of a black tigress with dark green stripes. . The city still held many unpleasant memories. My task would take me straight into the midst of a war, and I would not be unprepared. I searched for a teacher in the arts of warfare, something ladies when I'd been growing up had been forbidden to take part in. Finding the same ideals still in place, I came across a new arms academy with a growing reputation. It was operated by a young Drasnian. A former spy and army captain, he'd been troubled his conscience and resigned and traveled to Arendia to start a new life. I quickly apprenticed myself to him, his academy being the only one that accepted ladies. Soon we became friends. I lost my fear and hatred towards men, and found myself falling deeply in love with him.

On a picnic outside the city wall, Jarien surprised me one day by proposing. I found myself confessing my true identity, but it didn't bother him. So I accepted. On our return to the academy we were ambushed. Jarien tossed me on a horse and sent me for help, forbidding me to stay. When I returned with help, all we found was Jarien, alone and dying. Holding him in my arms, Jarien died and I swore revenge. Only I knew that it was an opposing academy who'd attacked us. I rose, wiped away my tears and returned to the city. I had a task to fulfill, so I packed and made ready to leave in the moning.

That night, there was an awful fire at the Crossed Swords Academy and the next morning I left. My only regret was that the operator of the academy had been at his favorite tavern. But someday, he'll feel the sting of my blade.

The Hallways