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The Hallway Talon

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RACE: Rivan/Tolnedran

HAIR: Brown

EYES: Blue

HEIGHT: 5' 9"

WEIGHT: 170 lbs

Distiguishing marks: Toned, wirey, Tattoo on
right shoulder of a dragon shield and a Wolf head sword.

Other: Normaly wares clothing of black or grey.When working or needing to show an air of power.He wears a long sleeved shirt with a high collar, black suede leather pants, and black riding boots. also has a thick leather armor jacket with a replica of his tattoo on the left breast.

Please call me TALON.

I am a thief.

I wasn't always on the dodgy path, didn't have alot of choice.

I was born Corran Bashere. My mother was a Rivan seamstress and my father was a Tolnedran merchant. we lived in Riva till I was 8 or 9. When my father decided to move us to Tol Honeth. I think he believed their was more chance for greater wealth there then on the isle of winds. My mother's sentiments were rather negative to that but we went anyways. As it is with those who think the grass is greener on the otherside. The trip was the last I had with them.

On the road to Tol Honeth we were ambushed by a group of worshippers of Torak. They slauhtered my parents. The only thing that saved me was while i ran for my life I slipped and fell in front of an old wolf or badger den and crawled in and hid. luckly these bastards didn't know the first thing about tracking or I wouldn't be here now.

After that I was on my own. for a while i worked on a passing farm for food and shelter but desided it was easier to steel what I needed. I was quite good. purse snatching was my forte. I was so good that sometimes i would swap a purse of coins for a purse of pepples w/o the person any the wiser. At 16 I turned pro I went from purse snatching to house robbery and from their to being a hired thief.

Of course at that time I also learned about women. Good lord do I love women, In every city in Tolnedra in fact.

When I turned 22 I met this red headed beauty. I loved here from the start but I knew her father would never approve of me so of course we always met in secret. I knew it was only lust that brought me to her but you always have to wonder, what if.

But of course all good things must come to an end. I've been hired to steel a family heirloom from this particular girl's father. I wanted to decline the job but in the end my Tolnedran side won and money seemed more important.

This is what started me on the path to working for the forces of good against the evil of Azraites and KA.

Through this door to return to The Hallways