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The Hallway


Name: Thylen

Race: Karandese

Eyes: Light red, almost pink

Hair: White

Height: 5'8" but still growing

Weight: 140 pounds

Distinguishing marks: An Albino.

Born in a small town in the Karandese forests, his father, Yaron, was a soldier who settled down with a wife to make a living out of farming. As demon worshiping grew in popularity and power the family was pulled into the worship mainly because Demon worshipers believe Albino children are good luck. Yaron never really believed in the religion but his wife did and ultimately was ravaged by a demon. Her womb was filled and as her stomach grew so did her fanaticism. Yaron took Thylen and fled the town, leaving behind his posessed wife to her death as the child tore itself out of her. They fled south to Mal Zeth where Yaron tried to get a job in the army.

On the way however it was clear that their former life would not leave them alone - Yarons son, Ru'thark, had some unnatural link with his brother and would not leave Thylen alone. In Thylen's dreams he would see his brother, growing unnaturally fast and inhabiting every corner. Thylen can feel his brother watching every deed he performs, protecting him in a dark, deluded way.

Once in Mal Zeth, Thylen was employed, once again due to his strange traits, by Rolic as Azrites also saw Albinos as being lucky. Threatened by Rolic and bribed by being given a high station in the army, Yaron had to stay quiet when it was clear that his son was an assitant to a traitor. Together however they tried to lie and decieve Rolic when they could, keeping him in the dark as he in turn kept Zakath. After Rolic's death Yaron knew that his son could be prosecuted for having part in the betrayal and made sure that he made himself indespensible to the Emperor. In the war he saved Zakath's life and proved his worth in battle. However, when Zakath announced that he would be ruthless in executing every Azrite in the palace, Yaron saw that his efforts would not be enough and asked Talon and Polendera that in return for information concerning Adrian, that Thylen be taken into their care. Perhaps pitying him or sympathising with him, they agree and Yaron becomes Thylen's squire.

The Dark Side of Thylen

Thylen's Half-brother Ru'thark


The Hallways