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Riva -- Lower Levels of The Citadel Riva -- The Gallery

The Catacombs

You have absolutely no idea how you manage to turn up in this dim, cold and uncomfortably damp place that smells like it has not been swept for centuries. Did you make a mistake while walking along one of the many hallways in the Citadel? You frown. You honestly think that you know your way around here pretty well and yet the fact remains that you are hopelessly lost in this complex dimly lit world now.Was it the fourth right turn after the first intersection or was is the third right turn after the first left turn in the intersection? It matters not now. Your only viable option is to continue to move forward in this serpent-like labyrinth and hope that you can meet up with someone, anyone to direct you back to the main halls.

Every single slap of your leather soles against the cold stone floor,which is slick with tiny puddles and slimy moss, echoes eeriely along the cut granite passageway. It seems this winding passage will continue forever. Unpolished natural limestone walls soon replaces the grey granite earlier as the passage grows more narrow. Your lips starts to curl up in disgust when thick cobwebs brushed against your face and clings to your hair stubbornly despite your best efforts to remove them. You look around in trepedation, wondering if you could ever get away from here at all. There! A noise! But from where? You reach an intersection with four arches, each heading to a completely new direction. You have to make a decision now... where do you want to go? Or do you want to stay here and hope that someone will come to your rescue soon?

Click here to Enter 'the Dungeons'

The Dungeons

Click here to Enter 'the Sanctum'

The Sanctum

Click here to Enter 'the Baths'

The Baths

Click here to Enter 'the Chamber'

The Chamber

You return to the main intersection, feeling more lost than ever. Just as you are starting to panic, you feel a firm grip on your shoulders. Nearly jumping out of your skin, you turn to stare warily at the mildly amused man-servant.

"You are not supposed to be here. Are you lost? Can I be of any assistance to you, sir?"

"Oh yes, please! I have been wandering around here for what it seems days! How do you go back to the Hallways?" You ask eagerly. After getting directions in detail from the carefully polite servingman who still stares at you oddly, you feel confident enough that you will be able to find the staircase and finally be rid of this bizarre place. Turning to your left, you start to walk up the winding stairways.

The Hallways

Copyright Notice: The titles of the graphical hotlinks embedded above and its respective artists in descending order are as follows; 'The Vault' by D. Sharpe; 'The Gargoyle' by E.K. Holbrook; 'The Blade' by; and 'The Book'by A.M. Shah.