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In The Catacombs

The Baths

The sound of water splashing merrily attracts your attention. You cock your head sideways, wondering 'What now?' Deciding that you should investigate, you gaze curiously at the sword suspended in the middle of a pool on your left and dismiss it almost immediately. "These Greycloaks and their sense of decorations..." You mutter wryly to yourself. You notice that this area is brightly lit, more refined and wider than the other passageways you have gone through to accomodate more human traffic or so it seems to you. This gives you hope that you can finally see someone here at last...

A Touch of Luxury

The Public Baths

A lovely and decidedly calming sight greets your weary eye - it is a surreal pool of slightly frigid water and it is large enough to accomodate up 30 people at the same time. It appears that you are now at the Public Baths. You kneel at the edge of the pool, smiling wistfully, tracing your finger across its watery surface almost lovingly, sending small ripples across the pool, wishing you have the time to wash the grime away from your journeys. You think you have been here before but you cannot be entirely sure of that. You look around hopefully but you cannot see any attendants at all. You wonder briefly if you should stay here. Surely someone will come here sooner or later... but at the same time, only the Gods will know when exactly.

You trace your fingers lightly across a thick woolen towel of sky blue, delighting in its soft texture while musing what are your options. You draw yourself to your full height - your curiousity to have a look in another doorway wins. You begin to walk out of the large chamber briskly...

That's a lot of Water!

The Underground River

The first thing that greets your ears when you stand just outside of the dank and dark doorway is the odd rumbling and gurgling noises as if a slumbering giant lies within snoring. You dismiss such fanciful notions. Giants... hah! Still you take a deep breath before walking right into the inky darkness...

You are standing upon a narrow stone ledge, slick with water and slimy squishy things best forgotten. Your jaw slowly drops when your eyes adjusts themselves to the gloom and reveals to you the sight of a great swift-running underground river splashing and gurgling along merrily. You cannot be entirely sure but you sense that it would be folly indeed to try jump into the river, it looks terribly deep and its currents wild. You sigh as you walked back to the Baths...

After an hour of waiting with no one in sight, you begin to lose your patience.Where are one of those servants just when you need them?!?! They are normally underfoot all the time. You thought sourly. Finally you toss up your hands in annoyance. Ah! Torak's teeth! I mean I can't possibly get any more lost than I am now... I might as well go back to the main intersection again...

The Catacombs