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In The Catacombs

The Arcanist's Chamber

The heavy oaken door creaks slightly on its ancient hinges as you pushes against it. Without warning it suddenly swings wide open, nearly making you lose your balance...

'Cocoon' -- Copyright: Walking Stick Production

At the First Glance

Regaining your balance, you cannot help but to stare at the fantastic sight before you. All manner of strange and wondrous objects decorates the entire cosy little chamber, while a number of it lies haphazardly on every single surface, showing its owner's distaste for any sort of organisation or order. From the look of things here, you suspect that you are in the private study one of those people who dedicates themselves to the study of the Arcane lore. Deciding against touching anything here in case you upset something and found yourself suddenly on the other side of the world, you nevertheless wander around the room with a impish, dying-to-know smile on your lips...

The Carving -- Copyright: EK Holbrook

The Carved Pumpkin

The first thing that catches your eyes is a strange object on a old, worn out table. You take a closer look and grin. It is a great big orange pumpkin and it looks like someone has been trying to carve a funny looking face on it with a knife and frankly, left behind quite a mess on the table too!

Arcane Seeing Eye

The Seer's Crystal Ball

Another object catches your eyes, the odd blue-greenish light emitting from the globe-like object mesmerising. You hurry to examine it. You gasps. It is a very expensive looking crystal ball and quite easily the largest you have ever seen so far. It seems to have a life of its own as brief hazy images flashes within it. You stare at it in amazement and shakes your head ruefully. You have no time to play with a Arcanist's magical Crystal Ball now. You move away from the table somewhat reluctantly...

Filthy Lucre!

The Treasure Chest

The final thing that catches your eyes is that of a heavy chest. Against you better judgement, you lift the lid of the wooden chest and gasp. There's a King's ransom in there! Your hands twitches but you do not think that the owner of this chamber would be very happy if you pilfer his Treasure Chest. Sighing, you move out of this enchanting room with all its tantalising secrets. You should really find your way out to the Main Halls...

The Catacombs