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The Gallery

'AGCR' -- Copyright: EK Holbrook

The Art Gallery

'Hourglass' -- Copyright: EK Holbrook


You walk into a spacious long hall, which is decorated tastefully with graceful white Tolnedran marble pillars, lightly fluted roof, soft hued walls and several pots of greens, designed to have a pleasing and calming effect with an overall minimalist feel to it. Reading the small sign next to the door, you know that you are in the Art Gallery now. While you have seen some great works of arts in other parts of the Citadel, the exhibits here simply exudes majesty and grace - a class of its own. As far as your eyes can see, the floor space in this hall showcases arts such as statues, paintings, sculpters, tapestries, jewelries and even a flower arrangement in one corner; all set in perfect harmony . You walk from one display to another, admiring its beauty.

Looking at the curious hourglass with an amused look on your face, your eyes catches the sight of several paintings in heavy gilded frames. Leaving behind the sculpture, You hurry to to have a better look at the alluring paintings. Upon closer look, you notice that they are all portraits of some of the more famous inhabitants or cherished friends of the Citadel - some in oils, black and whites and many other different type of media. These are important people and it shows since the portraits are placed in a prominent section of the Gallery. You start to take a very good look at each of them...

Click here to see Adrian the Archress Click here to see Adrian in B&W! Click here to see Arwen the Elf Click here to see Arwen in B&W
Adrian (bw)
Arwen (bw)
'Click here to see Issus the Assassin Click here to see Thylen


If you would like to see your work(s)to be showcased in the Gallery,
please contact The Curator and/or The Webmaster
Thank you.

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