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The Hallways

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You walk into a long hallway and find that it is bustling with activity. There are many servants busy with one task or another running past you, and you stand and watch for a while looking a bit confused. After a while, a well-groomed young man sees you and comes up to you and asks if you would like a tour.

"You will have to excuse the mess, as we are still working on parts of this hallway, but you are still welcome to look around. You will see that we have various portraits and statues up such as this one of His Royal Highness Prince Belgeran and his lovely wife, Her Royal Highness, the Princess Arwen."

You comment on the fact that Belgeran is no longer with us, and your guide's face turns somewhat sullen.

"This is true, but he was our leader for quite some time, and we are not quite ready to take down his picture, besides, it goes with Arwen's so nicely. To continue with our royalty theme, we have Her Royal Highness Princess Beldaran of Riva next, followed by His Imperial Majesty, Zakath of Mallorea. Then we have Her Imperial Highness, Ce’Vanne, the Dowager Empress of Tolnedra."

Your guide looks at the two Portraits of Belgeran and Arwen and is silent for a moment. Finally he turns to you and smiles slightly. Clearing his throat, he motions for you to follow him.

"Now we come to a section where we showcase portraits and statues of those well versed in the Arcane Arts. Though common folk may call them Sorcerers and Sorceresses, I’d suggest that you don’t call that to their faces. They don’t really care for the term and we would be better off if we don’t incur their wrath. Now what do we have over here? Ah yes, this is the statue of Belteel, he is holding on to the chains of Hell that he is so famous for. Next, we have the lovely Polendora and her newest brother Disciple, Belrohan, both of them beloved Disciples of Aldur."

You linger thoughtfully for a while here, studying the sombre faces of those who could probably easily summon arcane forces with a mere flick of their fingers. These are very powerful men and women. Your guide agrees heartily, whispering tales of sorceries into your ears as he brings you to yet another new section.

"Moving along now. Here is a portrait of Issus the one-eyed assassin. I understand he is working for Eriond now. How very strange don't you think? We also have Talon who is a notorious thief. You know we have to hide most of the silverware when he comes to visit? And this is Adrian who use to be one of our very own shepherdess! There are rumors that the two are together you know, but I am not the one to gossip idly. Finally we have young Thylen, Talon’s squire. Come along now, we still have a way to go yet."

"The next area focuses on the brave ladies who played an important part in defending the peace of world in their very own special ways. Do not ever think that they are mere females, each of them at least equal to men. First we can see the painting of a Cherek young lady by the name of Aislinn. She is a former slave if I am not mistaken. Next we have the daughter of Taiba and Relg, Anataela of Maragor and of Ulgo. Her brother’s the newest Gorim now. Look towards your right,can you see a beautiful Tolnedran tapestry? If you look closely enough, you can see Angel as well. Lovely aren’t they? Now follow me and you can have the pleasure of seeing the elfin-like face of Gwen O’Sianhain. According to my reliable sources, she is a Dryad Princess who joined the Companions lately. And if you remembered seeing the bust of Velvet earlier, you may recognise that Khavir shares certain similarities with the older woman. It is not really surprising since Khavir’s her daughter by Silk. The last two breathtakingly beautiful ladies you can see there are Khella and Larana. We’ll probably add more to this wing later on but let’s us now move on to the gents shall we?”

You can see great statues made of the purest white alabaster in front of you and from the various weapons they hold, it is obvious to your eyes that these are proud male warriors who defends the weak.

"In this final completed section of the Hallway, we have Elsin the Ranger. Unfortunately this is the only here in this section at the moment. We used to have many more, but sadly, they have all been killed in battle. Tragic really.

"Well that's all we have for now. You may wish to check back to see if there are any new additions later!" The young man says to you with a smile. “Or if you are adventurous enough, why not try exploring other parts of the Citadel? Each of these passages will bring you to an entirely new area and when you finally grow tired of exploring, you can always come back here.”

You look around and see 4 other passages other than the first one you came in earlier. Which one would you choose now? To go back into the main part of the Citadel or elsewhere?

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Great Hall


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