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Krain Holy Family Catholic Cemetery

SE 400th Street at 254th Avenue SE

Krain, Washington

Krain Holy Family Catholic Cemetery
Associated Catholic Cemeteries
Archdiocese of Seattle
Overview with some History
Enumeration List
by Diane Evans
(253 alphabetical records)
Enumeration List
by Frank & Diane Evans
(258 records with inscriptions)

Virtual Krain Holy Family Catholic Cemetery
Mostly Slovenian Family Headstones
Each of these thumbnail photo links can be enlarged by just clicking on them.
Arko Bisiack Butala Golob
Gorc Grill Kastelic Kladnik
Krainick Krajnc Krashovetz Kuschel
Lascar Laush Logar Lokovsek
Malneritch Mariotti Maurich Media
Medie Pausheck Perko Petchnick
Petrich Podbregar Pogorelc Pomada
Potocnik Ramshak Richter Rosenstine
Skerbel Slemshak Slemshak Stayer
Sturm Tomich Umek Verhonik

Please note that this list is not intended to be a complete listing of people or families buried at the Krain Holy Family Cemetary, although it does encompass a significant portion of them, particularly those of Slovenian origin.

Page Created:  November 7, 2004
Last Updated:  November 25, 2004
©Copyright 2004 Gary L. Gorsha