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Dragon Poetry


Dedicated by DragonHeart to LanceDragoon

Whispering willows tell the tale,
Of a mistress of the air,
She lies in rest in her cave by day,
But at night she tickles the clouds.
As the sun slowly sinks to its nightly rest,
The mistress now arises,
Her wings slice through the chilling breeze,
hardly making a sound.
A tiny village awakes to the sound,
of a maiden crying out,
"The demon of the night is here!"
And fainting on the spot.
Her pale, yellow eyes glow strangely bright,
in the enveloping darkness,
And torches are lit to scare away,
the swooping, evil demon.
She circles the village, unsure of herself,
and the angry mob below her,
"Death to the demon!" they cry,
And she knows now what she must do.
The mistress of the air takes a final breath,
and like a burst of energy,
plummets down to the first thatched roof,
Scorching and grabbing her prize.
Angry cries are heard through the night,
yet the mistress hears them naught,
Another token to her hoard,
And her brother is avenged.
Every day she weeps for him,
but still he eternal sleeps,
Those villagers that took his life,
Will have naught an easy slumber.
A mistress of the air is she,
A demon of the night perhaps,
Or just a mournful soul that sleeps,
A lady dragon is many things.

-Autumnal Silverwing

The Tale of Yesterday

Dwarven lords of yesteryear, watched the dragon's plight.
Arrows hurled at the beast, cutting short it's flight.
Mountains shook beneath the sun, with the crashing of the beast.
Cannibals of elvish lore , hurried to the feast.
One man rushed onto the scene, to chase the trolls away.
Tis here my story does begin......
The Tale of Yesterday.
A knight of kingdom Ansolon, was hired by the king.
To rid the kingdom of a beast, the dragon Armoring.
The dragon's heart was to be brought, and placed before the throne.
With the fabled Sword of Cutting, the knight did walk alone.
Inside the dragon's dark, damp lair, his sword was not unsheathed.
To gaze at the magnificence, of nature's greatest beast.
A sleepy eye did open, a nodding of the head.
The knight would do no cutting, but stood there still instead.
Remaniscing of the years gone by, that brought the dragon here.
According to the tales, of the dwarves of yesteryear.
A wizard lived in Ansolon, so many years ago.
A maiden he did chance to meet, and came to love her so.
A man of royal blood did come, to 'ere the lass away.
The wizard in a vengeful fit, cast curses on the day.
The maiden watched in horror, and stood there shivering.
As she watched the transformation, of the man to Armoring.
Flesh began to turn to scale, the royal man did scream.
When wizard's curse did change the form, from man to Armoring.
A vengeful rage consumed the beast, the wizard he did slay.
But not before the evil mage, took the maiden's soul away.
The maiden was expired, to live and love no more.
The mage had slain her in the night, along the ocean's shores.
Unsettled by his newfound form, the dragon flew the sky.
Many tried to tame the beast, and many men had died.
Inside a dwarven tunnel, the dragon made his home.
To live the years that would remain, lost and all alone.
"You've come to slay me then brave knight,by orders of the king?"
The knight could find no words to speak, to the dragon Armoring.
"Know this brave knight before you strike, and leave me here alone.
Another curse was cast that day, and placed upon the throne.
Tis wizard's blood upon the throne, of kingdom Ansolon.
Not the rightful heir sits there, for he has long since gone.
No royal blood runs through the king, that rules this kingdom fare.
Black magic of the foulest foul, poisoned the true heir.
A wicked spell did claim the life, of the one true king.
After I was cursed to live, as the dragon Armoring.
Once I was a knight like you, a champion for my king.
A wizard's hate would change my state, from man to Armoring."
Pity swelled inside the knight, for the dragon Armoring.
He understood why he'd been sent, by orders of the king.
The dragon had once been a knight, a champion for the king.
The knight could see beyond the scales, of the dragon Armoring.
Together they would fly, a new day had begun.
When brave knight met the dragon, and father met the son.
The kingdom they did capture, and saw birth of a new king.
The son a knight of royal blood, the father........Armoring.
The End. Author Unknown

Once Upon A time

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