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Washington Lodge 738 joins the information age with web site

Lodge 738

ENUMCLAW, Wash. - Election of Lodge 738 officers for 2000 was held during our February monthly meeting. Several of the current officers requested that other members assume the responsibilities of office in this election due to illness, travel plans or other commitments.

The following were elected to serve for the current year: President Tom Zumek, Vice President Gary Gorsha, Secretary/Treasurer Mary Bratovich, Recording Secretary Kathy Vogel and auditors Ruth Lunka, Tony Mylnar and Larry Petrowski.

Bill Just volunteered to serve as PROSVETA correspondent; Gary Gorsha volunteered to construct an Internet web page for the Lodge. He has completed a version of the web page which can be found at Current Lodge event details will be posted on this site.

Upcoming events for the year include a fund-raising auction scheduled for April 9. Members are asked to bring wrapped items for this blind auction. This is a lot of fun. An Octoberfest party at the Auburn VFW Hall has been scheduled for Oct. 8; our Christmas party will be held Dec. 10.

The former Lodge officers deserve our gratitude for a job well done and for the dedication and hard work that they devoted to our Lodge. In addition, I believe we can all rest assured that the newly elected slate of officers can be relied upon to carry on the Lodge tasks with dedication and minimal interruption.

All members are reminded to pay their annual local Lodge dues of $2.40.