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Prof. James R. Felak, Pres. Gary L. Gorsha, Pres. Eldon Dobnik

Associate professor of history James R. Felak, Lodge 738 President GARY L. GORSHA, and Lodge 11 President ELDON DOBNIK enjoy the fellowship of the annual Slavic Homecoming at the University of Washington in Seattle, held Oct. 24.

Washington Lodge members
attend Slavic Homecoming

by Gary L. Gorsha
Lodge 738 President

ENUMCLAW, Wash. — Eldon Dobnik, the President of Lodge 11, Gary L. Gorsha, the President of Lodge 738, and Vicki Munoz from Lodge 11 all attended the Slavic Homecoming at the University of Washington's Waterfront Activities Center in Seattle on Friday evening, October 24, 2003. The event is an annual one sponsored by Department of Slavic Languages and Literatures. This year's event featured cuisine and music from the Czech Republic and included a presentation on the history of the Czech people given by James Ramon Felak, Associate Professor of History.

The event provided us with the opportunity to ask why the Slovenian people and language were not represented within the Department of Slavic Languages and Literatures. This led to an introduction to Professor Michael Biggins, the Slavic and East European Librarian and Affiliate Professor of Slavic Languages and Literatures. Professor Biggins speaks Slovenian, has traveled extensively in Slovenia, and has translated numerous works by Slovenian poets and authors, including Ales Debeljak, Drago Jancar, and Tomaz Salamun. He would also like to see Slovenian studies represented at the University. So we all came away with a feeling of real hope for the future of Slovenian studies in the state of Washington!

Page Created: November 23, 2003
Last Updated: November 23, 2003
©Copyright 2003 Gary L. Gorsha