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~Quotes by Women~

"It's tough, tough, tough to be a woman"...Katharine Hepburn (American Actress)

"Normal is different for everyone. Not better or worse, just different." ~Janet Leigh (American Actress)

"I didn't belong as a kid, and that always bothered me. If only I'd known that one day me differentness would be an assest, then my early life would have been much easier." ~ Bette Midler (American Entertainer)

"Nothing in life is to be feared. It is only to be understood." ~Marie Curie (Polish Physical Chemist)

"Friendships are our lifelines and our support system." ~Brooke Shields (American Model and Actress)

"You can't fake listening. It shows." ~Raquel Welch (American Actress)

"Sometimes it is worse to win a fight than to lose." ~Billie Holiday (American Singer)

"Jealousy is no more than feeling alone among smiling enemies." ~Elizabeth Bowen (Irish/British Writer)

"I know my mind and I have made my choice;...Love me or love me not, you have no voice." ~Edna St.Vincent Millay (American Poet)

"Minor things can become moments of great revelation when encountered for the first time." ~Margot Fonteyn (British Ballerina)

"I wonder whether you can tell me why it is that people always try so hard to hide their real feelings?" ~Anne Frank (German/Dutch Diarist)

"I am back now where I was before I began trying to do things like other people." ~Dorothy Richardson (English Writer)

"The psychic scars caused by believing that you are ugly leave a permanent mark on your personality." ~Joan Rivers (American Comedienne)

"Without fanaticism one cannot accomplish anything." ~Eva Perón (Argentine Leader)

"No coward soul is mine..." ~Emily Brontė (British Writer)

"No one can make you feel inferior without your consent." ~Eleanor Roosevelt (American Stateswoman and Humanitarian)

"The dreams of the girl are the harvest of the woman." ~Leslie Sahler (American Writer)

"No woman can call herself free who does not own and control her own body." ~Margaret Sanger (American Social Reformer)

"Strength is the capacity to break a chocolate bar into four pieces with your bare hands-and then eat just one of the pieces." ~Judith Viorst (American Writer)

"We are all mysteries...That's what makes life so fascinating." ~Susan Howatch (British Writer)

"The way you overcome shyness is to become so wrapped up in something that you forget to be afraid." ~Lady Bird Johnson (American First Lady)

"Those who do not complain are never pitied." ~Jane Austen (British Writer)

"Don't be afraid to express anger; but choose your fights...don't hassle over every little thing..." ~Jane Brody (American Journalist)

"If I can stop one heart from breaking I shall not live in vain." ~Emily Dickinson (American Poet)

"You may be disappointed if you fail, but you are doomed if you don't try." ~Beverly Sills (American Opera Singer)

"My mother always taught me that the real strength of a person was her ability to move through a crisis-that every big crisis has a purpose and every little diappointment has a bright and wonderful side." ~Cathy Guisewite (American Cartoonist)

Once again if you would like to add to this page please feel free to email me at the link above and remember all quotes for this page must be by women and tasteful.

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