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Various Thoughts
Various People

This site is about various thoughts of all kinds. On it you'll find links to poems and quotes of all kinds. If you look hard enough you might find one or two that may touch more than your mind. I will be adding to it constantly and plan on giving my opinions as well. If you find you would like to add to this page in any way you may contact me at the email below. Your thoughts are more than welcome on this site. I hope you enjoy your look around.

*NOTE* The opinions throughout this site are nothing more than opinions and may vary from person to person. Nothing is meant to be taken personally nor will any opinion be hurtful or disrespectful in any way.

Poems of Personal Expression

Quotes by Women

Quotes by Men

Quotes from the Heart

Graphic Credits

If you have a poem you would like to add or a quote that you absolutely love and would like to see them on this page, please feel free to email me at the link above. It can be your own work or the work of professional but it must be in good taste and fit into the personality of the site. Please give credit where credit is due. It is illegal and unfair to copy and steal work that isn't yours. Also include your name and/or the name of the person whose work is being submitted.

If it is your opinion you wish to leave on this site you can do so at the guest book below. Please be specific about the work you are giving your opinion on.

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