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~Personal Poems~

On this page you will find poems of all kinds with different meanings. All of these poems (to the best of my knowledge)are written by the poet they are labeled under. Please respect these people enough to only read their work and not borrow from it. They have put their time and their hearts and feelings (NOT YOURS) into what you will read and they deserve the same respect that you would expect of your work.

All Poems ©2000 Copyrighted All Rights Reserved®

Poems Donated By My Mom

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Poems Donated By Me

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Poems Donated By Pamela Eller

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Poems Donated By Jeffery Davis

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Poems Donated By Leanne Peddle

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Poems Donated By Craig Rigden

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Once again if you would like to add to this page please feel free to email me at the link above. All poems for this page must be written by you and must be authentic.

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