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Credits Page

This page is to give thanks and acknowledgement to those sites I borrowed graphics from. Without them and their fantastic work I would not have been as successful with my site as I was.

Many thanks to the very talented creators!!

Some of the Irish Celtic symbols you found in my site are found here. This site has a fantastic collection and variety of celtic graphics. The only one I found that most impressed me.

A beautiful selection of many graphics. Ranging from hearts to children and bird to angels.

A wide variety of beautiful backgrounds and sets.

This link is for the Artist behind the work and the Graphic site that puts the work into sets. Both are absolutely fantastic. A definate must to check out if you are into mystical and magical.

A wonderful collection of Indian Art graphics and sets.

This site has tons of awesome graphic sets. A huge variety as well. Moons, Stars, Flowers, Women, 70's, Hands and anything else you could think of.

If you love wolves and cougars and such, this is the place for you. You can get lost in the beauty of the graphics and sets in this site.

This site has many nostalgic sets and other various sets such as light houses and angels. Plus Thomas Kinkade sets and Angel graphics.

If you are looking for beautiful and realistic work for backgrounds and sets..this is the place to go. Scenic photo sets and much more are here. A Very peaceful experience.

Many thanks to Angelfire for the space given to all of us that create sites through them.
