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Fri, 3 Aug 2001 00:48:03 -0500

****Billy Dee On Aliens****

ETs, and EBEs, And More!

There are a few new people on the UFOSSI list that may have not been aware of mine and my families personal encounters and experiences with alien beings, and other related phenomena. And, on the other hand, most of you or many of you have heard our stories a hundreds times over. However, I have a new twist that I may want to express in this report, as well as up-date on any further experiences...

Well, there haven't been any further ET encounters since 1997, with much relief to family as well as myself. And I emphasize the word "relief", big time! I do think the reason "they" are leaving me alone, was due to the last encounter where I had enough courage, and could remember to call out the name of Jesus Christ to get them to set me free! Well, I am not getting religious here. But the fact remains, that when I did use that name of Jesus Christ as a command, my alien abductors were both greatly shocked, angry and stunned. I recall it clearly. What if I would have called out, "in the name of Jim" let me go!" obviously that wouldn't have worked. But when I did call out the name of Jesus Christ, that was the ticket, and the words that seemingly stopped the aliens dead in their tracks. Perhaps there really is something going on here, with this, and it just may be that religion does play a powerful roll in this. I believe it, but I just wanted to throw out some food for thought for those that may not have realized that, or have never considered that.

Going through an alien abduction is to put it mildly a nightmare. And if I were to put it on a scale of 1 to 10, with 10 being the worst nightmare one can ever have, I would have honestly rate being alien abducted as a 10, or higher.

Over the years I have had people write me and say and tell me such thing as these.

1. Was it fun>

My Remarks!

Fun! Is it fun to be exploited, taken against your will, subjected to horrible physical and emotional trauma?

2. Gee! I wish I were abducted, I think its cool!

My Remarks!

Not much for me to say, as I think those letters came from children, that have absolutely no idea of what alien abduction is all about.

3. You and your family must have really wanted this to happen?

My Remarks!

Oh, right! Gee! We wanted our daughters to be physically mutilated, and left sterile. Wouldn't anyone want to wish this upon themselves, or their daughters? We were taken without a choice. Why? I dunno! Maybe we are good looking people, or perhaps they like our clothes! Who knows! Most alien abductee's have asked themselves the same question, "Why me?", and most of them, if not all of them, come back with the same answer, "I dunno!" Aliens pick and choose who they want, however, many or most abductions happen in rural areas, rather then in congested towns or city's. It is easier for them not be spotted hovering over someones home (their craft), and entering or leaving that home. Its just common sense. Before the abductions and encounters began in 1973 as a family, we had no more interest in this phenomena then anyone else. Like many people, we saw sci-fi movies, and said our "oos" and "ahhs" while watching them. But being heavily into the study of it, we never were! And I don't recall putting out a lighted neon welcome sign on our lawn or the rooftop of our house. LOL! Abductee's are just chosen at random. I totally am convinced of that.


4. I can see that your demon possessed, and need to have the demons kicked out of you.


My Remarks!

Welllll, my wife and I did go through a period that we considered these encounters to be demons, and for a while thought that the possibility of being possessed might just be a viable one in our case! But we were wrong! We had a local Gospel minister come to our home, pray over us, and rebuke demons that may have been in us, as well as the minister prayed over our home, and anointed us, and the house with oil. I mean, this minister went through every room in the house, almost yelling, "In Jesus name, Satan get out here, and leave these people alone", and he had also layed his hands on our heads did the same thing. For about a week or so after, we thought perhaps he was right, and that we had had demons, and they were finally cast out of us. But then, another encounter took place, with my family as a whole being abducted one night. And, after the abduction, we all stood in the kitchen and looked out the kitchen window, and saw a cloud growing, and slowly moving towards the east. And as it grew and drifted, we saw brilliantly colored lights behind the clouds, flashing all over in different colors. This went on for about 15 minutes, until the cloud and the lights behind it, drifted out of a view. For those of you who have seen close encounters movie, will recall those lights and colors in the sky. That is almost identical to what we saw. Well, after that night, and then recalling the abduction and the UFO hovering over our back yard, and my wife and my 3 children being led to the UFO craft by alien beings, I knew that the ministers prayers of casting about demons had failed. But rather, what failed, was that there were no demons within us, but rather beings, and I don't call them good or benevolent beings, had come back and once again did their worst. This is only one of many accounts of our experiences since 1972. But for me, my first encounter was between 1949 and 1952, when I was 5 or 6 years old. I was laying on my parents bed one sunny afternoon at our home in Madison, Wisconsin, when I saw this squatty, and seemingly chubby 4 foot alien being slowly making its way over to my bed. The being was dressed in very dark brown robe from head to foot. I could not see the face. But I do recall the beings skin was dark. The best way I can explain it, is for those who had seen the movie "Communion" and saw what was called the "workers". What I saw was somewhat similar, although the face was almost totally hooded.

The being had made its way with about a foot from my face, and thats where it all goes black, and I don't remember anything further of that...

In 1972 or 73 , my wife and I, and our two little babies (2 years old, and one year old). We were driving home late one night after visiting a police friend of mine at his home. We left his house at exactly at 12 midnight. I recall that clearly, because he had to be on duty at 12 midnight. And as he was leaving, we were saying our good byes, as he pulled away in his police cruiser.

The 12 mile stretch of rural highway took us between 2 and 3 hours to get home. Half way to our destination and home, we stopped the car to gaze at a saucer shaped craft that was no more then 50 feet above our car. My wife and I looked at the craft through our windshield, and were just in shock and awe. I could see the metallic craft, with colored lights around the edge of the craft. BUt my wife recalls seeing beings looking out of portal windows, down at us. And that my wife told me at the time, "Bill, you have to see this thing! Its huge, and their are people looking out of windows down at us! But they have different shaped heads then ours!" I recall her words vividly. Then, the next thing that took place, is my turned around in her seat in the car, and yelled out, "Oh my God, Bill, the babies!" She was holding on to them, as if she was afraid the beings would take them." AT that point, I recall vaguely beings coming up from behind our car in a very bright light. I could not make them out, but I could make out they were walking towards us. Thats the last thing we recalled at that point. The next thing we recalled, was that I was sitting behind the steering wheel, in almost shock, and terrified beyond anything I had ever experienced in my life. I remember calling out, "Sharon! WE have got to get out of here now!" My wife said, "Go Bill! HUrry! Lets get a way fast! Hurry!". With that, I floored the gas petal of the car, and drove as fast as I could to put as much distance between us and the craft as possible. For the next 15 or so minutes driving home, I didn't speak a word. It was like I was almost paralyzed with an incredible terror! BY the time we got home, it was well after 2:00 am in the morning. I knew right there and then that we had missed time, and that there was no possible way that the ride from our friends home 12 to maybe 13 miles a way took 2 or more hours. But I knew inside that something had happened. It wasn't until many years later, that I started to get flashbacks of that night, as well as my son did, and we recalled many other details as well as details of my son being in the craft. I won't go any further, as the complete account of all our encounters are on the UFOSSI web site for any one to read. But this is real! This is no dream, or a made up story! This is real! It happens! It happened to us, and our lives have never been the same since! Something happens to those who have been abducted. Most of us are driven to almost any length to find out all that we can about this phenomena. I often think that this driving to find out, is meant to be! For me, at times, it has almost become an obsession to find out everything! I can truly say, although I have not found out everything there is about this phenomena, I feel I have found out enough, and that it has helped me to understand.

There is nothing worse then being ignorant! Ignorant of knowledge is almost torture. And being ignorant can also be extremely horrifying and terrifying. When my wife and I and our kids began to learn about the UFO phenomena, it helped us, and helped us to pull our lives back to gether, instead of living daily in a ignorant fear of the unknown, and knowing nothing about it. Thank God those days are gone and over!


5. Your insane, and desperately need psychiatric help!


My Remarks!

NO, I am not insane, or neither are my wife and kids. However, there were times that we thought our continuing UFO and alien encounters truly drive us over the deep end. In fact, I did have a nervous breakdown in 1990, only 4 months after a very traumatic and horrible series of encounters, and abduction of my daughter. It took me several months to emotionally settle down, and heal up. I was under a psychiatrists care and therapy for a few months, and at first, I was given heavy sedation to calm me. I think what caused the breakdown was due to one main thing. I will explain it this way. There is nothing worse, or more terrible, than not being able to help your family, or come to their rescue should they ever be in harms way. For weeks on end, with an alien, or rather aliens abductions in 1989 and 1990, the alien abductors would nightly be heard going up our stairs to the girls rooms. My wife was always sound asleep when this would begin. I was wide awake, but unable to even move a toe to go to their aid! I wanted to, but I couldn't move! I tried every night, and I couldn't move! It was terrible. I knew my girls were being subjected to bad things, and there was nothing I could do, accept lay there in bed, not being able to move and listen to "them" coming and going from my daughters rooms! That drove me crazy! Not being able to go to the rescue of your kids, or being able to reach out to them to comfort them or help them, or save them! Its awful! That was the main thing that drove me over the edge 4 months later. Realizing, these damnable cursed beings could just walk in and do what they wanted, and I couldn't move to help my children! It was terrible! I have to stop here with this. It still bothers me to this day. I am ok! But I wanted to explain what had caused my nervous breakdown. But since then, God has been good, and has given me the faith to heal as well as to learn, research and investigate over the years.

I had made a vow to Lord, that I would not stop searching for all the information and truth I Could find, not matter what, until I found enough to help myself, my family, as well as those who write me personally with their burdens. I am sure there is more that I haven't found out, but what I have discovered and learned over the past almost 10 years, has helped me and my family immensely. Ignorance is not bliss! Thats a favorite saying! Its stupid, cruel, and makes no sense! Ignorance, is a curse, and is a way to keep people in control and in fear! We must always remember that.


6. Your making this all up, and its a big ruse!


My Remarks!

I would give anything to just say, "Hey! I was making this all up, and it was lie!" You just don't know how many times I have prayed and asked God if I am either crazy, or just made up these stories. I would give anything to say its all a lie!


7. Where did you read the story, that you used to put together your claims.


My Remarks!

Statements in letters like that come from pitiful people! They are pitiful, because they are usually those that will never believe anything, no matter how much is presented to them. Those kind of people, I truly have to say, I do pity! ---------------------------

8. Are you a devil worshipper or into witchcraft. ------------------------ >My Remarks! This is another one that really gets me upset. I know today in the UFO community, that the Occult in UFology is running wild, and is almost like a fast spreading cancer. What my opinion is on the Occult in Ufology, is from those people who cannot find the answers they want, when they want them, and turn to the Occult for answers. Learning and studying Ufololgy, is probably one of those areas of study that requires the most patience. It is because what we do know about alien beings and UFO's is very limited, and leaves so much in the gray area. And being that this is like this with this subject, causes a lot of frustration to those in search that want quick answers. In my opinion, in the field of Ufology, there is no such thing as quick answers. Answers and information often come painfully slow, and due mainly to those in the government and the military that have purposely covered up a major portion of all the alien and UFO information available. But there are other reasons why people get into the Occult end of Ufology. The mystical side of religion, and the Occult is alluring to many people, and many people are easily captivated by the mystics, not realizing that getting into Occult side of Ufology is dangerous, misleading, false, and strays away from hard and cold facts and evidence. But the biggest pitfall of the Occult, is that it is dangerous to a persons understanding of God, our existence, who we are, and can also lead people into those dangerous areas that tap into spiritual dimensions that cannot be controlled. And I am speaking about non benevolent spiritual dimensions. This is a subject that really needs a full report on separately. Perhaps, I will once again give it some time in detail just to the Occult side of Ufology, and point out why it is so dangerous and misleading.


9. How can I get alien abducted? Is there something special I can do to make it happen?


My Remarks!

I think I already covered that. No, there is nothing special a person has to do get abducted. I guess the simplest way to answer that, is to be in the wrong place at the right time, and become a victim.


10. I saw your site, and I am a Pastor, and if you ever come around my area where my church is, don't come here, or we will ask you to leave.


My Remarks!

I have received several of these type of letters over the years, as well as even phone calls. I call this the pinnacle of Ignorance. Unfortunately today, most of the Christian churches in this country, no little to nothing about the alien and ufo phenomena. What most of them do know, is that information and teachings that go back to the dark ages of the church, and to the dark ages of Biblical understanding. There was once a period of time, where it was either forbidden for people to read the Bible, as it was up to the priest to teach you, when you asked or needed information. And in the dark ages, many people were very ignorant, and could not read, thus leaving it up to the church to interpret the Bible to them, which often led to false doctrines of men, and concepts and ideas of mens minds, rather then from the word of God itself. But as I said, many churches today are still in that dark ages of understanding this phenomena, and view those of us who have had experiences in this phenomena, like my wife and myself and my kids, and those who have just seen UFO's. The churches consider this Phenomena, and those in it, as very possibly either demon possessed or they are emotionally ill. You can't hate those churches that think and feel that way. You can't because it is only ignorance of this phenomena. Over the years, I have been fortunate to help several pastors open their minds, and their spiritual ears to understand what this phenomena is all about. Some of them, the first time they wrote me, were ready to stick a wooden stake through my heart, and proclaimed me as the devil himself. But after they had stuck around long enough to learn, and to read over the UFOSSI web site, as well as see all the scripture which strongly suggests and tells of other worlds, or other planets, and other beings, have become believers. But being a minister of God and a believer of this phenomena, comes with a high price! Oh yes! And that price is being treated like a heathen or a heretic, and pushed out and away from many Christian circles. It often means to left alone, and viewed as a fallen Christian, or demon possessed, or mentally ill. Its horrible what my family and I have endured at the hands of many Christians. But thank God, not all Christians are like that. Anyway, why would any Christian purposely put themselves into the category as a believer of the UFO and alien phenomena, or an alien abductee, knowing how the church will probably treat them? That would make no sense! I don't think there are any Christians that would do that, well, in their right minds. My family and I knew that when we would decide to come out of the closet, and declare our experiences, that we would meet with strong opposition. We knew that before we came out! But we knew we had to talk about it, and we knew there had to be others like us silently suffering with no one or no where to turn to to help us, or educate us. Again, I thank God that we made the decision to come out of the closet. Oh yes, it is hard being out of the closet at times. BUt I will tell you, it is a lot harder being in the closet, and in the dark. It was maddening! So to conclude this particular remark, I am not angry at those ministers or Christians that feel and think bad about me. I pity them, and feel so sorry for them, that they are so very ignorant. And their ignorance so often, is not of their own, but of what they have been taught, as well as what they have not been taught. Hopefully, more and more Christians and ministers will start opening up, and begin to educate themselves about this continually growing phenomena.


11. Your an outright heretic, and all Christians should be aware of it for their safety and protection!


My Remarks!

Please read look at my remarks in number 10.


12. Billy, aliens are good and benevolent, and they are here to help us, and create a new love within us, as well as enlighten us into the coming new era or dimension. They are our space brothers!


My Remarks!

I saved this one for last, as it is one of those areas that I totally disagree with, and find completely without foundation. In the almost 10 years of my research and investigations, and archiving information, I have to truthfully admit, that only 2% out of 100% of all alien abduction and alien encounters, claim they have had wonderful experiences, with benevolent beings. Now, I am not saying that out of the 2% everyone of those accounts is just not true. I know a Christian pastor who had such an experience with benevolent beings. BUt it was the most unusual account I have ever heard, and totally does not fit in or follow the norm for the so called, "Star Child" or "Space Brother" claims, or cult movement. What this minister had experienced, was being taken (and not against his will) with humanoid aliens, who claimed to be Christian brethren, and treated the pastor wonderfully, and to put it simply, took him for a ride in their craft, and talked with him about the spiritual needs that were greatly needed on this world. Perhaps, I will go into a separate report on that some other time, so I can share all the details. But most of the 2% that claim alien beings are benevolent, is coming from deception. Evil or non-benevolent aliens playing mind games with humans. Simply put. What I think it is, is that because aliens are more superior in their intellect and their minds, can easily manipulate humans with incredible rhetoric, and use forms of halograms to project images of spiritual beauty, and project images of lovely beings. But it is a front, and only a ruse. In many of the reports I have seen, aliens use many methods of doing an abduction, or abducting a human victim. They soft talk the victims, they mesmerize them with their minds, or with some sort of chemicals. The aliens often amuse their victims with toys, images, or distract them with visual aides that depict future events. In other words, aliens use methods to sedate their victims into passivity, to do what they want, and to carry out their medical or mental experiments. But no matter what method they use, it is a ruse, in which to passify the victim, so they can perform their tasks. And sadly, some abductee's have misinterpreted the methods as being purely benevolent, and purely good and rewarding. I don't feel that 98% of alien abductions that claim horrifying experiences is at all inaccurate. But from my research and studies, I am convinced that the other 2% but for an exception of a few, have misinterpreted their encounter experiences of being what they actually were, and were for. Now I know, that there will be those that will strongly disagree with me. So be it. But just the fact of the methodology that has and is being used by alien beings to capture and abduct their victims shows without a doubt, the methods are almost non ending, and all for one goal, to either experiment on us, to view us, or even take parts of our body's from us for medical purposes. In other words, I feel strongly to say, that there are those in the minority that do not realize they have been taken in by the "Trojan Horse", an evil gift disguised perfectly as benevolent. Take heed to what I said and say!


These are just a few of some of the posts and letters I have received over the years in UFOSSI. Needless to say, some of them have angered me, while others have just down right puzzled me. To think anyone in their right mind would ever want to be abducted by alien beings, and then put through painful emotional and physical trauma, is just simply unbelievable to me! This kind of thinking shows to me, only ignorance of the UFO and alien being phenomena.

Billy Dee



To: "UFOSSI"  (
Subject: Billy Dee On Aliens, ETs, and EBE's, and more! 
Date: Mon, Oct 29 2001 

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