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Dear friend; The UFO Resource Center is usually the last organization on the list of agencies to call on, especially when people are most in need of our services. We offer assistance in the way of real time help for those experiences that are plagued by what they perceive to be extreme episodes of malicious and/or violent contact. Those forms of experience impair their standard of living and red flag numerous quality of life issues. The following UFO report is one such example, where there is quality of life issues, leaving the victim of those contacts severely impaired. We have real-time experts on staff, which is ready to advise and provide direction for those most in need of our assistance. A good place to start in your search for healing and truth is The Chapel, a service of the UFO Resource Center. It is here that you will find the help that you or your loved ones are in most need of. If they are unable to assist you due to your location, you may consider relocating. You may also ask for a referral to someone in your area. This would cost you nothing. These are options, which may or may-not fit your specific needs. Sincerely Christopher Montgomery Executive Director,UFORC Global Network and founder of “The Chapel.”

subject: UFO Witness Report Form
The following data was submitted via your UFO Report form:
Additional Witnesses: spirtual healers know what kind of attacks I have none can stop it
Age: 27
City, State, Zip Code: pasadena ca, 91107
Country: usa
Date of Event: 5 years
Direction of Travel: 
Event Duration: daily
Gender: f
Home Phone: 
Location: CT/pasadena, calif
Name: On File 
Number of UFOs: invisiable entities

Other facts you may wish to include:: have alien/entity abduction and i have tried many mufons by email and no one responds

i am PURGERIZED daily the entities want to murder me and i have possible near death experiences daily they say it come from a relative of mine my fathers brother's entities attack for i guess jealousy reasons my father has already died from i suppose the family curses the entities told me it come from my fathers brother now they probably are trying to murder me

because i was in this spiritual organization for 5 years and the teachers entities started to bother me and soon i was abducted by entities and they tried to derange me with channeling devices everything i would think about would channel like a medium channeling through spirits i could not get out this took place in CT. i live there for 3 years i moved to calif. some of the entity/aliens assisted me in safety but mostly it was like entities wanted me to DIE because i was human and telepathic. I have gone on with penalties from entities for 5 years now since i was 22 years

i have been living with entities daily and purgerized attacked so severely i disfunction in my astral body and my head is so attacked i almost die i have contacted people spiritual healers but they have not been able to help me others have been helped from them but the aliens dont allow me to helped the same or at least thats what they say to me they say my mothers curses and my fathers brothers curses on me are so severe that have been trying to murder me all my life i almost died when i was born so i know this to be some what factual and i have been in car accidents that have almost killed me i believe i might be cursed i do need some assistance because for some reason everyone in UFO ORGANIZATIONS is not helping me out they just say they cant do anything about entity/aliens trying murder and all this is factual my spiritual healers have seen the entities and also know of my attacks. ALSO i have been emprisoned by the entities so i dont know certain people right now i was dating this person in los angeles and he is from NY. !

that is were i was contacted Ny/ct by entities well now this persons entity/alien things that follow him are attacking me to the point of almost near death experiences and they are astrally deforming me i was told not to know this human by his gods then i was told to know this human now i am just a game and they slaughter me daily can you please help me this is not the first time i have to STOP knowing people BECAUSE of the entity/aliens that follow them i could hardly know my family because the things following them attack me to severely every time i am near them please send me an email i am being emprisoned by alien entities also they assist me in living with the abduction and that is my only way of survival. please contact me, thank you, (Name, email address on file.)

Previous UFO Experience: none up till 5 years ago
Street Number: (Address on file)
Time of Event (indicate AM or PM): 
UFO other:: 
Weather Conditions: 
Work Phone:  
email: On File
follow-up: (Name, email on file)
subject: UFO Witness Report Form


To: Subject: Results From Your Form From: Name, email address on file Date: Wed, Jan 9 2002 9:43:54 PM -0500

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_______________A WHITE KNIGHT PRODUCTION_______________


Christopher Montgomery & White Knight Productions; ALL RIGHTS RESERVED, All Other Rights Apply.