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Part One: A Lesson in Terror

Fear: It’s something we're probably all familiar with. In its various forms, it could range anywhere from a dull thumping in the ears to a pounding in one’s chest. It could manifest in an adrenaline pumping rush or culminate in a paralyzing fear, rendering all but essential body functions…immobile. It freezes you in abject terror, permitting your autonomic nervous system to function while paralyzing the mind/body interface. It is what I call the “Fear Paralysis.”

It has been reported that Astral-travel is possible during close encounters, and may account for most abduction experiences. Alien experiencers and victims of abduction phenomenon often report this phenomenon. This fear paralysis may lead to detachment from the body. A form of Astral Travel may result, permitting the electro-gravitational forces of the body, or the soul, to float free of its container, or body. While the body assumes its own self-imposed auto-system, the person floats free of their body. This allows their mind to navigate in its new thought form.

If this all sounds fantastic, then you haven’t read the case reports that I have published. They are available on the UFO Resource Center web site.

There was a study done on children who had been subjected to what their mind perceived as an extreme emotional or physical trauma. It was observed that their mind’s reaction was to immobilize them. While they lay immobile and frozen in the fear paralysis, they would often reach a point of detachment while undergoing those experiences. It was also reported that many of these children would actually perceive themselves separate and completely detached from their body and therefore, the experience.

The Existence of Mind

The human mind reacts at the proximal stimulus as perceived phenomenon, often perceiving this experience incorrectly. It perceives the experience as a real threat to the emotional and physiology of the experiencer. Therefore, it causes this detachment as a protective mechanism to the experiencer. This will often result in the gross misperception of the phenomenon, perceiving good as evil and vice versa. The Distal source may be a malevolent force not intent on harming the individual.

There are a number of ways that the mind may misperceive an experience. For example, analytical recall could cause the experiencer to trigger a prior, unpleasant memory. By association, they color that experience with familiar data that the mind had amassed during previous encounters. Therefore, the mind is not always reliable. It does not always remember certain experiences accurately. If we consider the many pathways the stimulus can be distorted, it then becomes clear that analysis and documentation of those experiences must be studied using a different set of research parameters that include all of the data that has been amassed to date. We cannot discount the research into the childhood fear paralysis.

A Choice of Terms:

They are aliens because they are alien to our world of familiarity. Extraterrestrial may be a poor description of their capabilities and could inevitably limit our understanding of them. Angelic-being is probably a term that is more apt to encapsulate their identity. This term best incorporates all of the alien’s capabilities. Parapsychic encounters with multidimensional beings that exhibit the capability to affect tremendous changes while within our time/space continuum, rendering any opposition or aggression vanquished. They can affect absolute control over their captors if they allow it, and will often use that mechanism to enable further contacts with their messages intact.

I offer evidence from an ancient document, called the HOLY BIBLE. It chronicles the interaction between man and some God force, that is mentoring and grooming us for an eternal calling in the heavens if we could only accept his grace. Help us, oh God, to understand.

One of my favorite passages is found in Zechariah in the Old Testament. It goes like this:

The angel told the prophet that “white horses” patrol the planet and bring peace to the Earth. Here, the word for horse is in the Hebrew. It is the word soos, and it has an alternate translation that is not used. Its alternate meaning indicates that the white object did a skipping or hopping maneuver. Laban (lawban) is the word for white and it is literally white, or reflecting a white opulence or radiance. This sounds like a UFO that is often reported. It would probably resemble the heavenly globe at Fatima or the images of the cloud UFO taken over the Ottowa River. I theorize that it resembled a ball of light or an object that took the shape of an orb. White would be an apt way to describe the objects that the prophet saw.

One passage that exemplifies the fear paralysis occurs in this book of the New Testament found in the Holy Bible. It was reported that the shepherds witnessed angels while tending their flocks. They were heralding the time of Christ’s birth, which many in the free world now practice as Christmas. They reported that the “glory of the Lord” surrounded them. Were the shepherds alluding to a force or some type of effulgent radiance that was emitted by the angel’s passing through our world? These encounters were chronicled with absolute accuracy. The shepherds reported that they were “terribly frightened” from the experience.

The shepherds could only compare this event to a term that would render the experience into terms that were familiar. Their description of this event suggests that they were limited to their finite understanding of the phenomenon. . These encounters were chronicled with absolute accuracy. When we translate these passages accurately, we can see that the UFO and the Bible are inseparable.


Hypnosis, when done properly, can open a floodgate of experiences that the contactee will remember. Once they have accepted those experiences, they may get to the point where they can learn from them. Only then can they move on. The unfortunate problem is that we don’t know enough about these experiences to learn from them. We hold ourselves back from a deeper understanding of the phenomenon, only because we choose to. I theorize that understanding this mystery may be closer than we think. We just aren’t seeing it for what it is.

IN FEAR: I will Introduce angel encounters that are Biblical.

Life is a series of choices that we make. It is how we choose to handle those experiences that make us who we are. If we choose to err to the negative, then our experiences are going to be negative. But if we are to embrace the phenomenon as a part of our reality, then we are able to accept ourselves for what we are. Supernatural beings living within a cloak of flesh. That this unreality is reality and this mortal puts on immortality. That our essence is what we are, and this tent, or body, is only a temporal receptor that helps us to understand our purpose and place in the order of things. The experiencers are only making contact with this other side of reality. It is frightening and may encourage the fear paralysis, which leads to the misinterpretation of the event as bad, when it may be good. We need to separate the two in order to distinguish the objective of these alien visitors.

SWITCH GEARS: I will Introduce the apostle Paul on the Isle of Pathmos as spoken of in the book Revelation.

The mind is a separate and unique entity, with its own identity apart and away from the body that encapsulates it and gives it life. The laws of entropy apply to the physical world only, because matter can neither be created nor destroyed. Mass warps, or bends time and space. Its existence is purely temporal but creates a door or a rip in the time/frame continuum. It will not always exist, yet matter will, in one form or another. There is transcendence between the two worlds.


I think that this is what the aliens are preparing us for. They are mentoring the next leap in our psycho-perceptual development. The extent of their involvement is unknown. If this hypothesis is true, it begs the question is: Are they preparing us for some, as yet, unforeseen ALIEN HARVESTS?
I would speculate that there is another, more purposeful motive for their modus operandi. We must examine the conduct and behavior of these sentient beings. We can do an analysis on their activities. When we do, we’ll determine that there is a pattern to these encounters. The evidence suggests that they have an understanding of physics that we have only now begun to discover. That doesn’t necessarily make them any more intelligent than us…they just have been around longer than we have. They have broken the veil and entered our world from theirs. Perhaps that is the way, which they have chosen, to bring us to a deeper understanding of ourselves and our place in the universe and beyond.
We can study them as we search for answers. We can learn about them as we back-engineer their technology. Let us examine the evidence once, and again. Perhaps they are trying to tell us something, but we are not quite getting it. Just because we are hearing their message doesn’t necessarily mean that we are getting the point.

_______________A WHITE KNIGHT PRODUCTION_______________
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