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NASA and The Mars Global Surveyor Controversy

Petition Recipient: President William (Bill) Clinton
Scope of Petition: Global
Date of Submission: September 15, 1999
Date of Delivery: October 15, 1999

The Mars Global Surveyor project involves the imaging and mapping of specific region on Mars. There are specific areas on the surface of this planet that suggest that there may have been some form of Intelligent life there at one time. The Cydonia region is one such area. We are calling on our elected representatives to intervene on behalf of all national and international citizens, to lobby NASA to conduct a re-imaging of the Cydonia region of Mars during its next pass over that area in November of 1999. It is now time to act and call upon NASA and those agencies governing this project to give a full account to Congress and the Senate. The best case scenario would be that all of the images are made accessible in such a way as to allow a continuity of evidence before any alterations or enhancements can be made and to offer those raw images to the public for review and inspection. We are asking that the Congress and the Senate of the United States of America select a panel of overseers through random election to monitor the results of the MGS re-imaging project. They would act as mediators between the public and NASA to insure that there is a continuity of evidence before, during and after the mapping and re-imaging of the Cydonia region. We are asking that any and all previous data pertaining to the imaging of the Cydonia region be made available to this panel, to conduct a thorough investigation into claims that NASA has altered previous images made by the MGS spacecraft before making them publicly available. Evidence for life on Mars would present sufficient proof to validate continued missions. Continued spacecraft exploration must continue until such time as NASA can prove conclusively that there isn't life on Mars. Evidence of water on the red planet suggests that there may have been carbon-based life forms there at one time. If this is indeed the case, then a future manned Marian mission should not be ruled out.

Please click here to view petition #231466

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