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CPR-Canada: A Special Report

CC Aerial Photograph #1: SPIDER

credit: SIGHTINGS Television Website


By Christopher Montgomery

The crop circle enigma remains a persistent phenomenon. These mysterious formations in cereal crops appear around the world. Their appearance is not limited to crops, for the mechanism which produces them have their indelible mark on lake ice, snow and even asphalt. Often attributed to UFOs, these mysteries formations have been found in association with UFO activity. The information is rather obscure, and requires a good amount of digging to uncover this data. But we have mad a definative correlation between UFO activity and UFOs. This crop formation in the form of the spider is one example of the many types of crop formations that have been reported. What we are seeing in this next picture, was taken from the sightings web site and any correlation to other crop formations may be purely coincidental. OR is it?

The Canadian circle formations (the 2nd and 3rd images below)are illustrated below. They are not always geometric in layout; as is the case with this spider-in-the-crop formation. We illustrate it here to show you that not all crop formations are circles, as this formation made in the image of an arachnoid (spider) will verify.

UFORCE thanks CPR Canada for this report:

CPR-Canada News: Crop Circles Near Weyburn, Saskatchewan


New fresh crop circles data:


UFORC No. CPR#091999CC001
CPR-Canada News: Crop Circles Near Weyburn, Saskatchewan 

From: Paul Anderson - TMP / CPR-Canada 
Subject: CPR-Canada News: Crop Circles Near Weyburn, Saskatchewan

CPR-Canada News
News and Updates from Circles Phenomenon Research Canada

Acadia Valley Formation
CC LAYOUT; sketch #1

Credit: Paul Anderson, CPR Canada

acadia99 gif

Crop Circles Near Weyburn, Saskatchewan
From CPR: Canada; Paul Anderson

September 19, 1999

Paul Anderson

Preliminary Report - September 19
By Paul Anderson

A formation of six circles was reported this morning near Weyburn, Saskatchewan, (northwest of Midale where the two previous formations have been found in the last few days), by the farmer (name withheld for the time being by request). Found late August.

The circles are in a hay field, in a more or less random pattern. Four are close together and the other two are about 100 feet farther west from those. Five are smaller, about 25 feet diametre each and the other larger one is about 35 - 40 feet diametre. Each is a ring about 2 feet in width, and the grass in the ring areas themselves is much greener in colour than the surrounding grass in the field.

Further details, field report and images when available.

This is the twelvth formation reported now for this year.

Paul Anderson


Circle Phenomena in Canada Report Archive 1999:

A reminder for all Canadian subscribers / readers - your assistance is welcome and needed - ANY reports of other possible circles this year, please do let us know as soon as possible! See Reporting and Field Research Guidelines on the web site for more information

More Crop Circles - CPR CANADA REPORTS

Diagram attached (acadia99.gif) © Paul Anderson, CPR-Canada 1999
midale99 gif

CPR-Canada News: More Crop Circles
Report by UFORCE affiliate Paul Anderson



CPR-Canada News:
More Crop Circles - Acadia Valley, Alberta
September 19, 1999


Paul Anderson

Preliminary Report - September 19
By Paul Anderson

Yet another crop circle formation reported this morning, by farmer Carl Kuhn at Acadia Valley, Alberta, near the Saskatchewan border. First found on September 4, while combining.

Three circles in a duram wheat field. They are in a straight line, spaced about 10 feet apart. First two are about 30 feet in diametre, the largest on the right end is about 60 feet diametre. All have counterclockwise lay.

In the largest circle, there are random single standing stalks of wheat, spaced about every two or three square feet, which show no signs of ever having been touched or flattened down. Farmer reported no damage, tracks or entry pathways, with very neat lay of the crop.

Diagram attached (acadia99.gif)
© Paul Anderson, CPR-Canada

Further field report, images when available.

This is the thirteenth formation reported now for this year.

Paul Anderson


Circle Phenomena in Canada Report Archive 1999:

A reminder for all Canadian subscribers / readers - your assistance is welcome and needed - ANY reports of other possible circles this year, please do let us know as soon as possible! See Reporting and Field Research Guidelines on the web site for more information:



CPR-Canada News is the e-mail update service of Circles Phenomenon Research Canada (affiliate of Circles Phenomenon Research International), and is published periodically or as breaking news develops, with the latest news and information and is available free by subscription; to be added to or removed from the mailing list, send your request, including "subscribe CPR-Canada News" or "unsubscribe CPR-Canada News" and e-mail address to:

UFORC CASE No. CPR#091999CC003
{See also image #2 file A:\ midale.gif}
"CPR-Canada News: Diagrams of Midale
and Midale #2 Formations"

Diagrams of Midale;
Midale #2 credit CPR-Canada
web site.

September 19, 1999


Paul Anderson


Update - September 19

By Paul Anderson

Attached are preliminary diagrams of the two formations
found near Midale, Saskatchewan in the last few days.
Both are © Paul Anderson, CPR-Canada.

midale.gif (Midale)
midale2.gif (Midale #2)

Note that at the first Midale formation, the ringed circle ends
abruptly at the edge of the field, being "shaved off".

Excellent aerial images are available of the first Midale
formation, by Leader Post reporter Sylvia MacBean, however
she does not want them distributed or posted by *anyone*
without a payment to help cover her costs. As the requested
fee is rather high, we have not posted or distributed these yet
until the cost can be covered. A copy of one of the images can
be found however in the September 16 edition of the Leader Post
newspaper (Regina, Sask.).


Circle Phenomena in Canada Report Archive 1999:

A reminder for all Canadian subscribers / readers - your
assistance is welcome and needed - ANY reports of other
possible circles this year, please do let us know as soon as
possible! See Reporting and Field Research Guidelines on the
web site for more information:
{See image #1 file A:\ acadia99.gif}
{midale.gif  accompanied the third e-mail.} 
UFORCE Ref.No. CPR#091999CC003

© Circles Phenomenon Research Canada, 1999
Main Office
Suite 202 - 2086 West 2nd Avenue
Vancouver, BC  V6J 1J4  Canada
Tel / Fax: 604.731.8522


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