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UFORCE Headquarters



Earthlight or Ball Lightning? We can't be sure. But this object tracked differently thatn a star. It jumped. On Monday, September 20, at approximately 23:27 hours, another UFO was sighted over the UFORCE headquarters. This object was initially seen by Matt, who then reported it to the Director, Christopher Montgomery. Matthew said "Chris, I want you to talk a look at something for a moment."

(M.C., as you may recall, had been the person to alert the center just prior to the last UFO sighting of a triangular-shaped UFO seen over Kent and Auburn on the 8th of September, 1999. This time was considerably different, however, in that it was blinking on and off in a deliberate pattern. When we turned on the security light at the back of the compound, it did not return a flash, but blinked out and to the best of our knowledge, it then completely disappeared).

Our determination and official classification shall be recorded as an NL. This was a classification made popular by the Frenchman Jacques Vallee, author of the book entitled Confirmation: A Challenge to Science. This noted UFO researcher, and investigator remains skeptical. This UFO was a light source and could only be classified as a UFO.

During periods of high geologic activity, rolling balls of plasma dance around the night sky. The appearance of thes lights could be the harbinger of doom. The appearance of these lights usually appear just prior to a m,ajor geologic event.

According to popular research, BL is often misinterpreted as a NL UFO. This was just that...a single light source. It could have easily been mistaken for a star. It was not a star, as stars do not disappear from the sky and then reappear only to disappear again; The magnitude brightness of this unknown object would suggest that it was something more on the magnitude of a planet, while very low on the horizon. As the two were looking for it, the object flashed "on."

According to MC, its path was not straight, and it moved many times faster than a star would track across the hemisphere sky; It couldn't have been an optical illusion caused by the clouds obscuring the stars opacity and brilliance, while making it seem like it was moving because of the movement around it. Neither was the case. There wasn't a cloud in the sky on this near perfect evening. There was nearly unlimited visibility that evening over Kent, Washinton and we would have to say that the overall visibility range was near infinity.

The interval for the flash was approximately "2 seconds" asccording to M.C. Its movement was stealth, and it made three different jumps before disappearing altogether. Each "jump" was followed by a movement directly away from its original position. It was as if it was using the flash of the light to propell it down the CAUSway. During this episode, Montgomery said that it seemed like a 5 second interval. combining the two figures would give us an average of 3.5 seconds.

After M.C. called the director's attention to this light source UFO, he immediately spotted the globe of light. This object would repeat the same on again/off again pattern four times before it finally called to Montgopmery's attention. "We watched in the northern sky, nearly 10 o'clock off the horizon.

As the two were looking for it, the object flashed on and became visible as a ball of light in the night sky.

"I knew when I saw it blink-out, that this was a classic maneuver performed by NL UFOs." Montgomery confirmed an object in that direction. "It remained illuminated for what I had thought was 5 seconds. " Montgomery thought. They disagreed on the duration of its illumination, although having seen it only once, Montgomery could not be certain about its duration. The average of 3.5 works.

M.C. said that the object only stayed illuminated for a moment and when it did, it looked like a star. Except this one blinked out, would then disappear, and would then reappear minutes later at another location lower on the horizon. According to our calculations, we would say that it was last originally sighted at 70-80 degrees off of the horizon.

According to Matthew, "The object appeared between a binary star pattern in the northern sky. It appeared there initially as a Nocturnal Light, (NL) and had blinked off and on once before reappearing sometime later, closer to the top of the water tower." The irony here was that Montgomery had tried to communicate with them by turning the security light at the compound on and off in a similar sequence.

The UFO vanished into thin air and never returned, as if its sole intent was either to:

We continued to check this area after turning the light on and off. As of this writing, the NL UFO has not returned. Montgomery asked for a time check at the time of the sighting, and M.C's watch had indicated that the time was 23:27 hours on Monday, September 20, 1999.

There can be a limited number of explanations for this UFO sighting.

In fact, this Nocturnal Light source remains an Unidentified Flying Object that was seen by two people independently. Both eyewitnesses have verified its existence and both saw it at the same time while describing the same object. When the behavior of this object had indicated that there was a discrepency in the duration, this could easily be explained by the fact that the director of UFORCE had only seen it once.

This could suggest that the duration was much longer than it actually was.

After we were satisfied that it probably would not return, we discussed the sequence of events so that it could be documented. The duration of the event was very short, probably lasting in the range of 2-3 minutes. When M.C. had initially seen it, the object appeared as a star, gained in magnitude brightness, remained fully illuminated for approximately 2 seconds, and then decreased in magnitude and brightness until it was no longer visible to the naked eye.

The object would lack total illumination for 2-3 minutes and then reappear, increase in magnitude, stay lit for a couple of seconds and then disappear again, twice appearing in a different 10:20 a few minutes later.

It did this in three different locations. Once at the first location, and twice at the next two. From all appearances, the object was a nocturnal light, (NL) class UFO commonly known as a spherical UFO. These objects appear as a single light source and/or in groups, and perform all kinds of fantastic maneuvers. This was a single UFO object, and had an interval something like this.

The Spherical-shaped UFO would move when the object was invisible. It then flashed itself at another 10:20 location.

M.C reported that the last UFO sighting was considerably different, in both the UFOs appearance and the duration of the event. He had alerted us to the last UFO sighting, when the UFO Resource Center was buzzed by a triangular ufo object. It has become something of a major UFO event.

"I don't have to explain it to anybody," Montgomery said. "I am not trying to prove anything to anyone. I'm just reporting the news as it happens." He indicated that he thought it was very important that this UFO sighting was documented "for the record," and that this event may "correlate to another sighting of the same object, from somewhere else. "Then we could pinpoint its whereabouts in the sky and vector its exact location, making this a more solid case.

According to M.C. and Montgomery, this UFO was considerably different, in that it was blinking on and off in a deliberate pattern unlike the randomness of the last UFO, which had no pattern. Also, the duration of the event was much shorter by comparison, "but no less spectacular," Montgomery said.

More details and information when it becomes available. If anyone else saw this object monday night, please contact the center immediately.

(The previous sighting was of a triangular-shaped UFO object; it was seen on 8 September, 1999 This case was distributed via the internet and has been well documented. Visit our home page at for additional details on our last sighting in Sseptember of 1999.

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