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A Statement to the Press

THE FOLLOWING IS IN RESPONSE to the Incident, which had occurred at UFORCE HQ on September 09, 1999

UFORCE thanks CAUS ( and Lenny ( for their assistance in compiling this statement.

It seems that everyone is getting it by the skeptics these days. Lenny had this to say about one person in their AOL group:

"I sent you the information about a post a so-called skeptic made who came into our UFO folder and said those things about your statements. Those statements were not made by me. I agree you don't have to prove anything, I just wanted some facts to fight back against a skeptic who keeps disrupting our UFO folder. I guess you don't know that I received the information from CAUS which I read everyday to get updates on UFOs because I and others in the folder believe UFOs are from other worlds...

We who post or talk about UFOs are also under attack from the so-called Scientist and Skeptics in AOL. We have a person in our group who has been abducted. She takes guff every day from so many of these people and groups. Please send me information. I get information daily from Peter (Gersten) of CAUS" (

We sent this reply to Lenny;

Lennywise; Will send all that I know. Please wait as we access our files. We have something interesting to share with your contactee friend. Is it Cathyn? Or Betty Andreasson... perhaps it is ...It is so sad. They have no place to go and few are they who are willing to listen what they have to share. Listen. They are saying something of profound importance...can you hear?

We received this snail-mail from LENNY on Mon, 20 Sep 1999 15:15:20 -0400 (EDT). This interview was in regards to the incident, which had occurred on the evening of September 8, 1999 @ 20:00 HRS PST. (The complete UFO incident report can be found at: )

With reference to posting, ' Buzzed by a UFO' "We saw a spectacular event that took place near the UFO Resource Center, over the little town known as Auburn and Kent, WA. A triangular UFO caused quite a stir with the military. A power failure to a diesel generator that operates the pump for the town's drinking water also occurred."

Interesting report, including the reference to "the little town known as Auburn and Kent, WA " I think the CAUS reporter, Mr Montgomery needs to acquaint himself with the demographics of the Kent,WA and Auburn,WA areas. Both are separate, incorporated cities within the Greater Seattle Metropolitan area. Each has a population of many thousands and include many thriving businesses and industry.
Yes; they are still considered small "towns" when compared to such large megalopolis as Seattle, Los Angeles, etcetera, incorporated or not. The issue was whether we saw an unidentified flying object, not how big the town was. That is rediculous. Since no one can disproove what we saw, they will try to erode our credibility. Cheap trick. Has anyone ever heard of poetic license?
I suspect that the citizens of both cities and their Water Departments would be highly amused to hear that someone in their area thinks that Metro's water system depends on a diesel generator to supply Kent, WA and Auburn, WA with their potable water.
Once again, they are trying to erode our credibility. Had they bothered to come to the UFO Resource Center and ask us about the FACTS, I would have been more than happy to elaborate on this subject for them. This is what happens when someone tries to debunk a story when they don't get all of their facts straight.

Our investigation is still continuing. From what we can gather, the main electrical system failed first. When the back-up (diesal) generator was supposed to kick on, it failed as well. The irony in all of this, was that the town of Kent was planning a Y2K test on their water system the next day. They did not say that they would be shutting off the water, only that they were performaing the Y2K test. This was to occur many hours after the system actually went down. I guess the UFO showed them what they thought of their Y2K test!
Also, the UFO Resource Center is not listed in the local telephone directory. Directory assistance has no listing either.

No, we don't have a telephone number for the center. Funding for the past year has been so very poor. Thanks to one of our supporters, we have one telephone line for all of our telecommunications needs. This does not allow for an expensive telephone line expressly for UFORCE business calls, nor a white or yellow pages ad. Our generous friend did make sure that our Internet access continued in this period of financial draught. It is negative press that contributes to the problem. Whenever a significant UFO case (like this one) comes to light, there is a feeding frenzy by people who try to debunk you. I believe that they have a hidden agenda.
Sort of makes one have cause to wonder?

Yes, it really does give one CAUS to wonder, doesn't it? All I ask is that we get a chance to set the record straight and to tell our side of the story; whether on television, radio or on the Internet. That's all.


1. I don't have to prove anything to you or anybody else. I know what I saw and that was witnessed by two others. I am not out to prove anything to anyone.
2. Perhaps you didn't realize that we never authorized the re-publication of this copyrighted material? All that we ask is that you contact us and let us know where and when you will reprint our material, especially when you distort the facts. It is a common courtesy in the literary world.
3. Who's behind all this negative publicity and where can I find this AOL folder; we have to know before we can set the record stright. I would appreciate more information from anyone who can provide it.
4. You can count on some people to stab you in the back when you can't be there to defend yourself. ie:Look at the bad things they're saying about Kennedy now that he is dead and can not defend himself.

Thank You

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