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Triangular UFO Confirmed

Mr. Montgomery,

I have just read your report to Peter Gersten dated 9/9/99 about the delta shaped ufo. What was most interesting to me is that besides the fact I'd never heard of the UFO Resource Center, I live in Kent, actually Covington and I've seen your UFO literally in my back yard.

My last sighting of it was on 9/6/97 at 4:47 A.M. a Saturday. I have felt this sense of anticipation ever since knowing that it would be back. I too watched it for about fifteen minutes. The back of our property sharply slopes down and theres a 10 acre open area with no trees and then a line of fir trees about 100 feet tall line Jenkins creek. It was hovering directly across from our deck on the other side of the little valley at the top of the fir trees. This is about 200 yards. It was about 30 feet across, one half was completely lit up in blue and the other half in red with a string of strobe intensity lights through the middle. Each strobe light appeared to operate independently of the rest and one was pointing directly at me forcing me to squint from the brightness. It made no noise and as bright as it was it didn't appear to illuminate the area around it. I also noted that thought the light pointing at me was bright enough to make me squint and shield my eyes it didn't light up the area around me on the deck. After about 5 minutes of just hanging there it slowly started moving to the west, I could have run to keep up with it. When it got behind my neigbors cherry tree it appeared to change down to one very large bright light which then either enlarged again or came closer to me then started gaining some altitude. When it got high enough to see the underside it became obviouse it was delta shaped. It had 6 large lights on the underside like this:


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It then did a skid like manuever in place and I could then see the blue side again which gave me the impression that when it was hovering directly across from me I was looking at the apex of the triangle and one side was red while the other was blue. It slowly drifted off in a northwest direction until it was out of site. I too got the impression that they were watching me. If this is a government black project I want to know why they're hanging out in my back yard.

This was not my first sighting up close and personal. It was the 4th and have some missing time in there also. I never seem to see the same shapes as other people so your report was reasurring. Thanks for listening.


_______________A WHITE KNIGHT PRODUCTION_______________

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