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This page updated with
new information on #022900
and again on #033000

UFO Resource Center


Evidence of an Ancient Civilization

At least three spacecraft sent to investigate the surface of Mars have met with disaster. One of them was lost during the Mars Observer project. Russia has lost two of their phobos spacecraft. Phobos II, equipped with sensitive infrared detection equipment, had actually made it into orbit around the planet in September of 1989. It had allegedly taken "startling infrared photography" just before it stopped sending transmissions from Mars. Soviet insiders had claimed that the probe had photographed "an ancient city the size of Los Angeles with a geometry of streets and cross roads." The actual dimensions of this city were "4 kilometers wide and 60 kilometers long." Phobos had also indicated that this ancient city was still radiating some form of heat. Was this evidence of geothermal activity below the surface of the planet or was it an indication that life still exists there...below the surface? The spacecraft was transmitting photographs right up until the time when an immense, eliptoid or cigar-shaped UFO suddenly approached the satellite. It then ceased its transmissions immediately thereafter.(ref.2)

Credit: Richard Hoagland*
Cydonia, Mars

By Christopher Montgomery

There is too much symmetry to the features at Cydonia for them to be a random act of nature. This has prompted scientists to look deeper into these mysterious formations rising from the martian surface. The face on Mars has similar features to the Sphinx near the pyramid complex on the Giza plateau. Its size has been estimated to be some ten times the height of the great pyramid, and it is not only visible from space, but stares at the earth, as if calling us to some yet unknown mystery that awaits us there. I have examined the MGS images of the Cydonia region. I have concluded that there are some very strange anomalies in these photographs.



Martian Anomaly
Discovery: C. Montgomery* Cydonia, Mars

By Christopher Montgomery

The latest enhanced photographic image of the Cydonia region is incomplete. Most of the images, which Hoagland calls pyramids, look like mountains. The five sided pyramid, (the "DM pyramid") for example, is not as symmetrical as the one in the drawing above. None the less, the martian survey is yielding results that are useful in our search for life on Mars. You can view an enhanced image of the Cydonia region. You can view the image, and compare to the Cydonia map above. Ask yourself...Are these mountains or are these pyramids? Look for any unusual topography. You may discover a lost city on Mars.

We are going to leave the "Great Wall" image location open, as we hunt for this mysterious anomaly. NASA has moved everything around on their site, and we can not find anything. Liz Edward's site is missing or down, and she had the best images of the Cydonia complex thus far.

While thoughts of a conspiracy and cover-up dance through my head, I must add that this is how it goes on the Internet. Hoagland's Enterprise Mission web site looks promising, so we will continue to hunt(

In the meantime, if anyone reading this can supply us with a web page that shows images from the Cydonia region of Mars, please e-mail us ASAP.

Thanks to the efforts of our volunteers, Mike Van Dusen has located an excellent jpeg that we have loaded (above). We are still seeking an image from the MGS and Viking spacecraft that shows the "Great Wall of Cydonia." Please forward this information to the email address listed above.

Thank You

Another Pass at Cydonia
credit: Richard Hoagland "The Enterprise Mission"


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