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The Cydonia Complex

The Face at Cydonia, Mars
UFORCE File Image The Infamous Face I

THE FACE ON MARS By Christopher Montgomery

Although hotly disputed, the number and frequency of UFO reports increase when Mars is at its closest point to earth orbit."

Rumors of a conspiracy to cover-up the truth about Mars and the civilization that may have existed there has been speculated for years. But if this were the case, then why would the US Government and NASA spend billions upon billions of dollars on programs to study the red planet? Why would the government be so secretive about this little known fact and keep this revelation to themselves? The answer is not yet clear and it is still rather "fuzzy." One fact remains clear. The images that are being sent back to earth are being made available to the public, and discoveries are being made. In fact, I believe, this kind of joint, Internet project has allowed researchers and scientists to hunt for evidence of life in far greater numbers and with greater objectivity than ever before. See also "Evidence Of NASA Tampering" by Jeff Behnke "NEXT"); also (ref.3)

The Face at Cydonia, Mars
Credit: The Enterprise Mission

By Christopher Montgomery

There is too much symmetry to the features at Cydonia for them to be a random act of nature. This has prompted scientists to look deeper into these mysterious formations rising from the martian surface. The face on Mars has similar features to the Sphinx near the pyramid complex on the Giza plateau. Its size has been estimated to be some ten times the height of the great pyramid, and it is not only visible from space, but stares at the earth, as if calling us to some yet unknown mystery that awaits us there. I have examined the MGS images of the Cydonia region. I have concluded that there are some very strange anomalies.

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