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UFORCE Alien Photo Album!

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These photographs a presented to illustrate just a few examples of cattle mutilations. These mysterious events continue to plague cattle farmers throughout the heartland of America and beyond; yet the majority of the time your never hear about them.

Mysterious events are taking place in great numbers. Whoever or whatever is performing these procedural mutilations should get the pulizer prize in advanced physics. Nothing that we have is able to touch their surgical precision.

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Exanguination a Common Thread

One very unusual piece of evidence that ties all of the genuine cattle mutilation cases, is the complete and total exanguination of the tissues in the carcass.

An interesting side note is that when the tissue samples of the mutilated cattle are examined under a microscope, we can demonstrate the absolute removal of most of the animals blood. The amount of blood removed by conventional methods of execution do not allow these kinds of blood loss evidence in the carcass.

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Specific Organs Removed

Otherworldly beings are probably responsible for most genuine animal mutilations. The remains indicate that a technology was used here, that does not adhere to the same rules that apply for us. If what the evidence suggests is true, they push the envelope beyond what our human minds have conceived.

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Police are baffled...

The evidence would suggest that their instruments are more precise than conventional scalpels. Tissue sections show that the device cuts between the molecules themselves, cauterizing and spliting the tissue in a precise, microfine fashion. The instrument that makes these kinds of incisions could only be a byproduct of an advanced technology that mankind is not yet able to utilize.
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