The Alien Autopsy
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UFO pilot or clever hoax?
These are pictures of an alien that was alleged to have been recovered from a UFO crash site. The alien in these photos matches the description of child-like beings that were recovered from the wreckage of a downed UFO near Roswell New Mexico in 1947.
The creature has 6 fingers rather than our 5. Although rare, this does
randomly occur in humans and has been offered as proof that this was merely a
human mutant, used in some kind of cruel military experiment!
Extraterrestrial Evolution:
Diffusionist or Isolationist?
Did life evolve differently on other planets than it did here on earth? Or did we evolve from the same stock as the being that you see hear. If these photographs are genuine, they would be strong evidence that our developement was very similar to theirs; that is assuming that they originate from other plantets.
Corpse matches eyewitness accounts
If these are hoax photo's of an extraterrestrial corpse, then it would indicate a level of special effects work that some in Hollywood have said was beyond their capabilities.
You have examined the evidence...now you decide.