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The UFO Resource Center

Planet X

We have been receiving a variety of reports from various news sources regarding a mystery planet that we shall call Planet X. It has alluded astronomers and scientists for centuries. Although the idea of another planet existing within the bounds of our solar system has been romanticized by a plethora of researchers and authors, scientists have largely ignored this possibility.

There has always been evidence of another planet in our solar system, which lie beyond Pluto. Mother science has lacked the kinds of solid evidence that would justify this assertion. It appears that now that solid evidence exists. In the coming weeks and months ahead, we will cover this news from space as the discovery unfolds. It began with a spacecraft being drawn from its trajectory by some gigantic gravitational pull. The saga continues...

UFORCE thanks Eric Lausch (PHOTON) and "David M. Jinks" [M-TRAC - MSAA] for sending this report:

Hoagland prediction confirmed

Hoagland has long proposed the existence of a massive planet (or two), at the far reaches of the solar system, as the body(ies) responsible for long period "hyperdimensional" cycles. Implications for Sitchin here too, of course.

UFORCE thanks Eric Lausch (PHOTON) and Malta UFO Research for this report from the Royal Astronomical Society: (Reference 1)

Massive planet may lie beyond Pluto

Posted: October 7, 1999

The mystery object could be bigger than Jupiter, our Solar System's largest known planet. Image: NASA/JPL.

(snip)"...Writing in the issue of the Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society published on 11th October, Dr John Murray sets out a case for an object orbiting the Sun 32,000 times farther away than Earth. It would, however, be extremely faint and slow moving, and so would have escaped detection by present and previous searches for distant planets..

en near to the Sun do these icy objects grow the coma and tails that give them the familiar form of a comet. Dr Murray notes that the comets reaching the inner solar system include a group coming from directions in space that are strung out along an arc across the sky. He argues that this could mark the wake of some large body moving through space in the outer part of the Oort cloud, giving gravitational kicks to comets as it goes.

So Dr Murray speculates that such an object, if it exists, will be planetary in nature and will have been captured into its present orbit since the solar system formed, even though the probability of such an event seems low on the basis of current knowledge.

Though a large, distant planet is a fascinating possibility and the evidence is suggestive, Dr Murray nevertheless stresses that he is not ruling out other possible explanations for the observed clustering of the comet orbits."
© 1999 Pole Star Publications Ltd
Reference 2.

The UFO Resource Center thanks The Millenium Project and Paul Anderson for this report:

TMP News
Breaking News and Reports from The Millennium Project

New Planet in Our Solar System? - Possible "Mystery Object" Found

October 7, 1999


Paul Anderson


Has evidence for a long-rumoured tenth planet been found? See the
following MSNBC news story for full details:

The planet, if confirmed, is thought to be significantly more massive
than Jupiter, and much farther out than Pluto, as much as an eighth of
the distance to the next nearest star, possibly a "rogue" planet or
brown dwarf gravitationally captured by our sun.

The Millenium Project #100799

UFORCE thanks our news correspondent Eric Lausch and -- Michael--- for this report from Malta UFO Research:

Subject: Fwd : Freer's Letter to BBC News re: Nibiru ...
To: Dr. David Whitehouse, On Line Science Editor Judy Hobson BBC NEWS
From: Neil Freer Author: Breaking The Godspell God Games (*snip*) website:

Re: Announcement by Dr. John Murray, U.K.'s Open University of possible tenth planet in our solar system through analysis of cometary data I wish to call to your attention that Zecharia Sitchin, Sumerian scholar and author of the Earth Chronicle Series of books, revealed the existence, size, orbit, and detailed characteristics of the tenth planet in our solar system 25 years ago through the translation of the Enuma Elish (When in the heights....), a major document unearthed at the archaeological digs at Nineveh by Layard, and translated by L.W. King. It gives a complete account of the formation of our solar system, including the gravitational capture into the system of this tenth planet (known to the Sumerians as Nibiru and the Babylonians as Marduk) , its subsequent collision with a large planet, Tiamat, orbiting then between Mars and Jupiter, the formation of the asteroid belt, comets and meteorites from the impact, the translation of the larger part of the impacted native planet into our orbit to become Earth. The Enuma Elish says that the intruder planet settled into a huge elliptical orbit of 3600 years around our sun in the "wrong" direction, counter to the orbital direction of the other planets, that it returns to the inner solar system through the asteroid belt area periodically. It gives the details of the path it can be observed taking through the constellations as it approaches and the disruptive events its close passing causes on Earth. Tombaugh, searching for the tenth Planet X, discovered Pluto in 1930. Christie, of the U.S. Naval Observatory, discovered Charon, Pluto's moon, in 1978. The characteristics of Pluto derivable from the nature of Charon through the two Pioneer spacecrafts' data, demonstrated that there must still be a large planet undiscovered because Pluto could not be the cause of the residuals, the "wobbles" in the orbital paths of Uranus and Neptune which had to be caused by a large planet. The IRAS (Infrared Astronomical Satellite), during '83 -'84, produced observations of a tenth planet so robust that one of the astronomers on the project said that "all that remains is to name it" -- from which point the information has become curiously guarded. In 1992 Harrington and Van Flandern of the U.S. Naval Observatory, working with all the information they had at hand, published their opinion that there was, at least, an 85% possibility of a tenth planet, even calling it an "intruder" planet. Andersen of JPL later publicly expressed his belief that it could possibly be verified any time Harrington invited Sitchin, having read his book and translations of the Enuma Elish, to a meeting at his office and they correlated the current findings with the ancient records and Harrington acknowledged the detail of the ancient records while confidently narrowing its current location to below the ecliptic in the southern skies, even acknowledging the possibility of a retrograde orbit. Sitchin definitively answers the question How could our earliest civilizations know of this planet ? with the thoroughly substantiated thesis that the transcultural "gods" known to all the ancient civilizations were not mythological but flesh and blood humanoids whose home planet was, is, indeed, this tenth planet. They came here 432,000 years ago, created our species as a slave race for their gold mines by crossing their genes with those of Homo Erectus, moved us up to limited partnership subsequently and taught us civilization and science and astronomy, eventually phased off and left us on our own to find our own species identity. Regardless of whether one accepts his evidence and thesis or not, one must face the clear and simple fact --- as Harrington was enough of a real scientist to do --- that the information about this tenth planet - and all the others in our system --- is there in the ancient documents and is continually being verified in finer and finer detail. The obstacle to Sitchin's thesis is not scientific. It is the very unscholarly, traditional, pervasive, preclusive mindset, of academicians and scientists, long fostered by the religious absolutism that put Galileo under house arrest and burnt Bruno at the stake, that this history and information is to be disregarded as mythological. This is not to denigrate the impressive, sophisticated and astute work of Dr. Murray or to detract from his findings. Credit, however, should be given to whomever it is due in proper measure. The recognition of the information that Sitchin has published on the tenth planet and its utilization would save the astronomers great time and effort and is precise and robust enough to provide all data necessary for a computer modeling of our universe from its beginnings. The Enuma Elish describes Nibiru's visual path through the constellations as it approaches the inner solar system to perigee in the asteroid belt between Mars and Jupiter. A computer modeling would furnish a prediction of the time and path of Nibiru's return to the inner solar system, highly significant because the Enuma Elish details the disruptive physical effects it creates on Earth by its close passing. The work of Harrington, Van Flandern, Ritchie, the IRAS project, and now that of Murray and Matese continue to reinforce and refine the details already known to humans for thousands of years, lost and recovered, and uncovered and revealed again by Sitchin 25 years ago. As to naming the planet, Sitchin already has written years ago to the Planetary Society, charged with naming planets, to formally notify them of the fact that it already has been named Nibiru for thousands of years. Although too modest a scholar to put himself forward in this case, I personally think that Sitchin should receive a Nobel prize for his research and master thesis. Let proper credit be given in due measure where it clearly should.



Reference 1: Malta UFO Research, PO Box 14, Rabat RBT 01, Malta

Reference 2. A portion of this report was missing when we received it. Therefore, for the sake of news, we will post it as it was received at our news desk.

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